Sunless Sea Wiki
A Casket of Sapphires
SS sapphiresmall
Category Cargo
Type Other Cargo
Price 86 x Echo (Buy) at Sapphire Exchange

90 x Echo (Sell) at Wolfstack Exchange
95 x Echo (Sell) at Temple of Labours
95 x Echo (Sell) at Stonemarket
99 x Echo (Sell) at Uncle Ankle's Lean Place

Data ID 113012

A Casket of Sapphires is considered a common Cargo item. It can be sold at Uncle Ankle's Lean Place and the Temple of Labours.

Item description[]

"It was the Laconic General who named the Carnelian Coast. Then she discovered it was full of sapphires. Imagine her embarrassment."


A Casket of Sapphires can be obtained in the following ways:


Potential uses include:


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Kingeater's Castle 'Construct the Fulgent Impeller' Requirement ≥ 1
Kingeater's Castle 'Construct the Fulgent Impeller' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Khan's Shadow 'Let your Longshanks Gunner go ashore' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Avid Horizon 'Explore along the shoreline' Rare Event +3
The Widower 'Give him the box' Default / Challenge Fail +2
The Venturer's Desires '"Something azure."' Requirement ≥ 7
The Venturer's Desires '"Something azure."' Default / Challenge Fail -7
A Smuggler's Reward 'A well-earned reward' Default / Challenge Fail +5
A Message for Zaira 'Hand her the medallion' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Trouble with Tomb-Colonists 'Make no promise of discretion' Default / Challenge Fail +1
You've destroyed a Tyrant-Moth 'Search for jewels' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Zeppelin Under Construction 'Contribute Souls to the Zeppelin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Port Carnelian 'Help Maybe's Daughter search for her mother' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Port Carnelian 'Pan for sapphires in the fungal jungle' Rare Success +1
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Rare Event +2
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Rare Event +1
Treasure Valley 'A marker of crossed bones' Default / Challenge Fail +10
A Whisper-Locked Puzzle-Box 'Open the Box' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Speak to the Merciless Modiste 'Commission some protective armour' Requirement ≥ 2
Speak to the Merciless Modiste 'Commission some protective armour' Default / Challenge Fail -2
Dahut 'Inspect a twinkling patch' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Dahut 'The last of the sapphire blossoms' Default / Challenge Fail +1
You have defeated a Khanate Zubmarine 'Board the wreck ' Success + 3
A Deal with Isery 'Pay a shocking sum to compensate for their displeasure' Requirement ≥ 5
A Deal with Isery 'Pay a shocking sum to compensate for their displeasure' Default / Challenge Fail -5

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Kingeater's Castle Construct the Fulgent Impeller Default:

Khan's Shadow Let your Longshanks Gunner go ashore Default:

Avid Horizon Explore along the shoreline Rare:

The Widower Give him the box Default:

The Venturer's Desires "Something azure." Default:

A Smuggler's Reward A well-earned reward None Default:

A Message for Zaira Hand her the medallion None Default:

The Trouble with Tomb-Colonists Make no promise of discretion Default:

You've destroyed a Tyrant-Moth Search for jewels None Default:
    SS sapphiresmall +1 x A Casket of Sapphires

The Zeppelin Under Construction Contribute Souls to the Zeppelin Default:

Port Carnelian Help Maybe's Daughter search for her mother Default:
Pan for sapphires in the fungal jungle Rare Success:

The Chandler of Souls A gift for the Emperor Default:
A gift for the Emperor Default: Rare:
A gift for the Emperor Rare:

Treasure Valley A marker of crossed bones Default:

A Whisper-Locked Puzzle-Box Open the Box Default:

Speak to the Merciless Modiste Commission some protective armour Default:

Dahut Inspect a twinkling patch Default:
The last of the sapphire blossoms Default:

You have defeated a Khanate Zubmarine Board the wreck Success:
    SS skullsmall -5 x Terror

    SS sapphiresmall +3 x A Casket of Sapphires

A Deal with Isery Pay a shocking sum to compensate for their displeasure Default:

Shop availability[]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS wolfstackdocks portsmall Wolfstack Exchange - London
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
SS sapphiresmall Sapphire Exchange - Port Carnelian Market
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
SS clayman6small Temple of Labours - Polythreme
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
SS harpoonsmall Uncle Ankle's Lean Place - A Notch in the Shell
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
SS emeraldsmall Stonemarket - Anthe
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
SS cudgeltoothsmall The Yawning Maw - Nook -
    SS sapphiresmall +7 x A Casket of Sapphires
SS coast1small Exile Bazaar - Hideaway
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
SS drownie femalesmall Dahut Exchange - Dahut
    SS sapphiresmall -11 x A Casket of Sapphires
SS ironsmall Hull-harvest - Prospering Wrack
    SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires
Passengers Tomb-ColonistA Shady SortChequered CharacterUnsettling Sage
Trade goods Bale of Parabola-LinenBolts of Spider-SilkCask of Mushroom WineClay Man, Marked for LondonColossal Fluke-CoreCrate of Human SoulsDevilbone DiceDocile BlemmiganFirkin of Prisoner's HoneyFoxfire CandlesFuelLive SpecimenMutersaltPrisonerRomantic LiteratureSack of Darkdrop Coffee BeansScintillackSoothe & Cooper Long-BoxSphinxstoneStrange CatchSuppliesTomb-ColonistUnstamped Crate of Bottled SoulsWatchful CurioZzoup