Sunless Sea Wiki
A Commission
SS silhouettemangaz
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 243338

A Commission is a Sunless Sea Story Event.

Story description[]

The Severe Chemist glares at you over his glasses. "Beneath the zee, captain, there is a city of murderers. Within it, a plant known as tether. Bring me a jarful and I will pay you handsomely."

Trigger conditions[]

A Commission is triggered when you do the Approach the man staring at you action in SS khansshadow portgaz Khan's Shadow.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Accept the task

You'll get him a jarful of tether, no trouble.

He smiles in the manner of a corpse whose skin has just dried out. "Excellent. You'll find it in Wrack, City of Pleasures. I'll be waiting for you on the Uttershroom, where my studies continue."
Walk away

Go into a city of murderers on account of a weed? Doesn't he know people don't come back from deaths at Zee?

You decline and go about your business. "If not this time, then another," he says behind your back. What an odd man.


Links In[]

SS khansshadow portgaz Khan's Shadow

Links Out[]

SS khansshadow portgaz Khan's Shadow

Story events
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