Sunless Sea Wiki
A sudden calm
SS bubblesgaz
Category Random Event
Type Zee
Linked to SS explosionsmall Fire!


Data ID 155170

A sudden calm is a Sunless Sea Random Event.

It's basically the same event as SS bubblesgaz Finally, calm.

Trigger conditions[]

A sudden calm is triggered at zee if you have the SS flames TCsmall ENGINE OVERLOAD quality for a period of time after the SS explosionsmall Fire! event.

Technically it's not a Random Event since it will come up pretty quickly afterwards.

Event description[]

The smoke pouring from the deck hatch ceases. Your Chief Engineer emerges.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
“What now?”

The roar of the engines has subsided.

A shrug

“It's over, whatever happened. And look. I found this.” In your engineer's cupped hands lies a pile of waxy pallets. “Hell-droppings. Some sort of by-product of the... you know what? I have no idea at all.”

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