Sunless Sea Wiki
Sunless Sea Wiki

Accomplishments is a category displayed on the left in your Journal which displays a list of achievements that you got while playing Sunless Sea.

List of Accomplishments[]


Portrait Accomplishment Portrait Accomplishment Portrait Accomplishment
SS abbeyrock portsmall
Surveyed: Abbey Rock
SS adamscape portsmall
Surveyed: Adam's Way
SS aestival portsmall
Surveyed: Aestival
SS avidhorizon portsmall
Surveyed: Avid Horizon
SS chapeloflights portsmall
Surveyed: Chapel of Lights
SS correspondence1small
Surveyed: Codex
SS demeauxisland portsmall
Surveyed: Demeaux Island
SS empireofhands portsmall
Surveyed: Empire of Hands
SS frostfound portsmall
Surveyed: Frostfound
SS corsairsforest portsmall
Surveyed: Gaider's Mourn
SS godfall portsmall
Surveyed: Godfall
SS grandgeode portsmall
Surveyed: Grand Geode
SS hunterskeep portsmall
Surveyed: Hunter's Keep
SS irem portsmall
Surveyed: Irem
SS isleofcats portsmall
Surveyed: Isle of Cats
SS khansheart portsmall
Surveyed: Khan's Heart
SS khansshadow portsmall
Surveyed: Khan's Shadow
SS kingeaterscastle portsmall
Surveyed: Kingeater's Castle
SS portpalmerstonsmall
Surveyed: Mt Palmerston
SS nuncio portsmall
Surveyed: Nuncio
SS guineapigsmall
Surveyed: Pigmote Isle
SS polythreme portsmall
Surveyed: Polythreme
SS portcarnelian portsmall
Surveyed: Port Carnelian
SS principlesofcoral portsmall
Surveyed: Port Cecil
SS muttonisland portsmall
Surveyed: Quaker's Haven
SS spidermilliesmall
Surveyed: Saviour's Rocks
SS Accomplishments Surveyed Shepherd Isles
Surveyed: Shepherd Isles
SS stationIII portsmall
Surveyed: Station III
SS chelonate portsmall
Surveyed: the Chelonate
SS fathomkingshold portsmall
Surveyed: the Fathomking's Hold
SS coast2small
Surveyed: the Mangrove College
SS saltlions portsmall
Surveyed: The Salt Lions
SS uttershroom portsmall
Surveyed: the Uttershroom
SS varchas portsmall
Surveyed: Varchas
SS venderbightsmall
Surveyed: Venderbight
SS masksmall
Surveyed: Visage
SS whither portsmall
Surveyed: Whither SS seaoflilies portsmall Surveyed: Wisdom


Portrait Accomplishment Portrait Accomplishment Portrait Accomplishment
SS angelsmall
Trophy: A Daguerreotype of a Memorial
SS medalcandlegoldsmall
Trophy: A Posthumous Medal
SS teethglasssmall
Trophy: A Collection of Teeth
SS envelopesmall
Trophy: A Letter of Commendation
SS knifesmall
Trophy: A Shattered Coral Knife
SS couplesmall
Trophy: A Family Portrait
SS seamonster2small
Trophy: A Model Monster
SS rubberskullsmall
Trophy: Not Quite Human
SS papers3small
Trophy: An Impossible Restaurant Bill
SS booktearssmall
Trophy: An Autographed Copy of the Zong of the Zee
SS flagsmall
Trophy: A Folded Flag
SS aboardsmall
Trophy: the Lights of London
SS buoysmall
Trophy: Restless
SS sunsetsmall
Trophy: Those Final Mountains
SS mountainglowsmall
Trophy: a Family Bible

List of other Accomplishments[]

Portrait Accomplishment Portrait Accomplishment Portrait Accomplishment
SS writersmall
A Notable Occasion
SS ship2small
SS couplesmall
SS dawnmachinesmall
The Western Stigma
SS avidhorizon portsmall
The Scars of the North
SS bloodstainsmall
The Touch of the South
SS buoysmall
The Mark of the East
SS submarinesmall
MarinerA Notable OccasionScionSurveyed: Abbey RockSurveyed: Adam's WaySurveyed: AestivalSurveyed: Avid HorizonSurveyed: Chapel of LightsSurveyed: CodexSurveyed: Demeaux IslandSurveyed: Empire of HandsSurveyed: FrostfoundSurveyed: Gaider's MournSurveyed: GodfallSurveyed: Grand GeodeSurveyed: Hunter's KeepSurveyed: IremSurveyed: Isle of CatsSurveyed: Khan's HeartSurveyed: Khan's ShadowSurveyed: Kingeater's CastleSurveyed: Mt PalmerstonSurveyed: NuncioSurveyed: Pigmote IsleSurveyed: PolythremeSurveyed: Port CarnelianSurveyed: Port CecilSurveyed: Quaker's HavenSurveyed: Saviour's RocksSurveyed: Shepherd IslesSurveyed: Station IIISurveyed: the ChelonateSurveyed: the Fathomking's HoldSurveyed: the Mangrove CollegeSurveyed: The Salt LionsSurveyed: the UttershroomSurveyed: VarchasSurveyed: VenderbightSurveyed: VisageSurveyed: WhitherSurveyed: WisdomThe Mark of the EastThe Western StigmaThe Scars of the NorthThe Touch of the South