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Approved Romantic Literature
Category Cargo
Type Other Cargo
Data ID 114085

Approved Romantic Literature is considered a Misc Item in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

SS merchantventurersmall The Venturer's Desires, SS ancientriflegaz The Revenue Men

Items description[]

"The Revenue Men have removed the most challenging elements, and applied a customs stamp to the title leaf."


This item will replace SS bookredsmall Romantic Literature if you choose to declare all controlled goods with SS ancientriflegaz The Revenue Men in SS fallenlondon portgaz Fallen London.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Revenue Men 'Declare all controlled goods' Default / Challenge Fail replace unapproved Romantic Literature
The Venturer's Desires '"Something romantic."' Requirement ≥ 7
The Venturer's Desires '"Something romantic."' Default / Challenge Fail -7

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Revenue Men Declare all controlled goods Default:

The Venturer's Desires "Something romantic." Default:

Shop availability[]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS wolfstackdocks portsmall Wolfstack Exchange - London
    SS bookredsmall Approved Romantic Literature
Passengers Tomb-ColonistA Shady SortChequered CharacterUnsettling Sage
Trade goods Bale of Parabola-LinenBolts of Spider-SilkCask of Mushroom WineClay Man, Marked for LondonColossal Fluke-CoreCrate of Human SoulsDevilbone DiceDocile BlemmiganFirkin of Prisoner's HoneyFoxfire CandlesFuelLive SpecimenMutersaltPrisonerRomantic LiteratureSack of Darkdrop Coffee BeansScintillackSoothe & Cooper Long-BoxSphinxstoneStrange CatchSuppliesTomb-ColonistUnstamped Crate of Bottled SoulsWatchful CurioZzoup