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Caminus Yards 'D nation'
SS aft purplesmall
Type Aft (Ship Equipment)
Effects +28 (24-32) Hull damage

+28 (24-32) Life damage
2 Crew damage
6s warm-up time
8s Stagger

Price 900x Echo (Buy) at Caminus Yards

450x Echo (Sell) at Caminus Yards

Data ID 112705

Caminus Yards 'D__nation is a powerful aft mounted cannon purchasable from the Caminus Yards in London. It is similar to the Caminus Yards Hellthrasher in firing speed and arc but boasts substantially higher power. Good for finishing off pursuing monsters when a battle turns south.

Items description[]

"Speak not of it."


Purchasable from the Caminus Yards shop in London.


Shop availability[]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS master2small Caminus Yards - London
    SS aft purplesmall Caminus Yards 'D__nation'
Passengers Tomb-ColonistA Shady SortChequered CharacterUnsettling Sage
Trade goods Bale of Parabola-LinenBolts of Spider-SilkCask of Mushroom WineClay Man, Marked for LondonColossal Fluke-CoreCrate of Human SoulsDevilbone DiceDocile BlemmiganFirkin of Prisoner's HoneyFoxfire CandlesFuelLive SpecimenMutersaltPrisonerRomantic LiteratureSack of Darkdrop Coffee BeansScintillackSoothe & Cooper Long-BoxSphinxstoneStrange CatchSuppliesTomb-ColonistUnstamped Crate of Bottled SoulsWatchful CurioZzoup