Sunless Sea Wiki
Carnelian Exile
Carnelian Exile
Position First Officer

SS mirrorssmall +6 x Mirrors
SS pensmall +3 x Pages

Carnelian Exile is a potential First Officer crew member.

Character description[]

"She has the discomfiting - even irritating - habit of answering your questions just before you finish speaking."


  • The Carnelian Exile can be recruited in London by doing the A new recruit! action and having a A New Recruit? value of 5 or 6.
  • She can also be recruited at the Grand Geode.


Speak to the Carnelian Exile[]

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Increase your Mirrors

Tell her a few words of what you've learned; she will do the same.

Thoughtful, focused, advice

She says little, but each word is placed like a pin in a map.

Game note: Spend a Secret to improve your Mirrors, unless it's higher than 100.

Invite her to dine with you

...and ask her to remove her glasses. You'll need to tempt her with the very finest gossip of the zee.

Eyes unconcealed

She removes her glasses, folds them neatly, and places them on the table, then meets your eyes. Her own eyes are marvellously bright. The irises are amber. The whites seem to be flecked with gold.

"Yes," she says, "I've been touched by the Dawn Machine. I believe you already knew that, or you wouldn't have asked me to remove my spectacles. I might be wrong. In either case, nothing has changed, now that you know. We will still be wary of each other."

She taps her thumb against her index finger. "I am always the same, do you see? I do not change. I proceed on the same path I always have. I am only one choice: and I will be content only when I have no choice at all."

"Now. Let's eat, and talk. You promised me something special, and I will give you what little I can in return."

Ask her to dine with you

...but don't ask her to remove her glasses.

Eyes unconcealed

She regards you for a while, and then, unasked, removes her glasses. She folds them neatly, and places them on the table, then meets your eyes. Her own eyes are marvellously bright. The irises are amber. The whites seem to be flecked with gold.

"Yes," she says, "I've been touched by the Dawn Machine. I believe you already knew that, or you would have asked me to remove my spectacles. I might be wrong. In either case, nothing has changed, now that you know. We will still be wary of each other."

She taps her thumb against her index finger. "I am always the same, do you see? I do not change. I proceed on the same path I always have. I am only one choice: and I will be content only when I have no choice at all."

"Now. Let's eat, and talk. You promised me something special, and I will give you what little I can in return."

Protest: the journey is the destination

Each choice you make in future will depend on this one. The ship goes where the captain sails, and where the captain chooses to sail depends on where you've been.

Narrowed eyes

"Perhaps," she says - "perhaps our choices determine our heading. But at last, when the lamps go dark, there is only one direction. One day, we'll go there together."

She won't be drawn further. She picks up her knife and fork. Between mouthfuls, she tells you something of the Starved Men and their wars on the roof - the arts of flesh-shaping that they practiced and debated.

"I enjoyed this," she adds at the end of the meal. "We should do it again. When you're ready to talk about Salt."

Accept what she says

She's right. If nothing has changed in response to your choice, then your choice was that of a pawn that chooses to move forward.

A lift of the eyebrows

"I... hadn't expected that."

She picks up her knife and fork. Between mouthfuls, she tells you something of the nature of light as revealed through the operations of the Dawn Machine.

"I enjoyed this," she adds at the end of the meal. "We should do it again. When you're ready to talk about Salt."

Throw her out of your cabin

For God's sake. All you wanted was a meal and a chat, and she's doing philosophy on you.

"Always the same path, eh?"

She probably wasn't expecting this path. You thrust her out of the cabin and close the door.

There is a tentative knock on the door. "Er... sorry," the Exile calls out. "Can I have my glasses back? I promise not to talk about choice any more."

Bread and Salt

The Carnelian Exile invites you to her cabin for dinner. "We need to discuss a certain direction," she informs you.

A brisk dinner

"I am persona non grata in Port Carnelian," the Exile remarks. "I was too close to the New Sequence, and the Machine. I have repented of that now, but I'll never go home."

She leans closer. "Salt's Song," she whispers. "I hear it on the wind. The way East. The horizon's road. Will you go East, my captain? Will you take me with you?"

"The zee is wide, but I'll always return home."

East? The horizon where the god Salt watches? Far and chilly. London is your home.

The Exile smiles

"Destiny is destiny," she says softly. "You are the captain I would choose to follow across the zee. If the time comes for you to claim your burning name... speak with me again. I cannot enter the Name's prison. Not any more." She taps her glasses. "But perhaps you can."

"The zee is my only home."

You are a zee-captain. The old black ocean under the world, its half-hundred ports - you'll live and die here.

The Exile smiles

"Destiny is destiny," she says softly. "You are the captain I would choose to follow across the zee. If the time comes for you to claim your burning name... speak with me again. I cannot enter the Name's prison. Not any more." She taps her glasses. "But perhaps you can."

"I cannot rest until I've crossed the last horizon."

You are hungry for more.

The Exile smiles

"Destiny is destiny," she says softly. "You are the captain I would choose to follow across the zee. If the time comes for you to claim your burning name... speak with me again. I cannot enter the Name's prison. Not any more." She taps her glasses. "But perhaps you can."

Speak to the Exile about the "Name's prison"

How will you breach it, when you find it?

Behind her glasses, you sense somehow that she has closed her eyes

"You must have mastered the map," she says softy. "Entered in the house of every Power. And you'll need to bring a burning truth to match the burning Name.

Speak to the Carnelian Exile about the Name-Which-Burns

She knows something.

She smiles a dark-glass smile

"Everything in its proper order. When we have broken bread and shared salt; when certain questions have been answered. My pattern is unalterable."

Speak to the Carnelian Exile about the Name-Which-Burns

She knows something.

An intake of breath

"Yes. Yes, it's time to go to the Castle. Be ready. I'll witness you when you speak your name; I'll help you sacrifice your past. I'll help you sacrifice your future. And then we must make one more journey."

Ask her


She replies


Answer questions about your past

You've kept your secrets long enough.

Game note: Unmask yourself! This will allow you to select a Past, Ambition, and form of preferred address - also providing you with a specialist ability bonus.

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Chief Engineers Gall-Eyed EngineerGenial MagicianPrudent MagicianThe Satisfied MagicianThe Urbane MagicianMaybe's DaughterMaybe's RivalNobody's DaughterTireless Mechanic
First Officers Carnelian ExileSigil-Eaten NavigatorSigil-Ridden NavigatorSly NavigatorThe Merciless ModisteYour Father
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Surgeons Brisk CampaignerCladery HeirDetermined DoctorDisillusioned DoctorHaunted DoctorIndomitable CampaignerPlausible SurgeonThe Lady in LilacThe Scarred Sister
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