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Cask of Mushroom Wine
Category Cargo
Type Other Cargo
Data ID 102020

Cask of Mushroom Wine is considered a Misc Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Quality description[]

"The finest output of the Greyfields shroom-yards."


A common cargo item, Cask of Mushroom Wine can be purchased at the Wolfstack Docks in London or obtained via events, such as Opening a Cache of Curiosities or Open an Unprepossessing Mass.


Cask of Mushroom Wine is a cheap and easy trade good for the early game, and maintains some use as the game progresses.

Common uses are as follows:

  • You can fill your hold with it when leaving London and immediately sell at one of several ports, essentially turning extra cargo space when leaving London into free profit.
  • Mushroom Wine can be sold in batches of 5 to the pirate-monks of Godfall via the Of Wine or Of More Wine interaction.
    • Of note, this is only profitable while Of Wine is available. At Time: The Healer > 199, the event becomes Of More Wine and only provides 100 Echoes instead of 150, resulting in a net-loss.
  • A Port Report: Saviour's Rocks can only obtained with a Cask of Mushroom Wine to persuade the locals. This Port Report is worth 50 Echoes, 1 Admiralty's Favour, and 1 Fuel. A Significant gain for a 21 echo pre-purchase!
  • Two caskets of wine with seven Supplies and Something Awaits You can be traded in the Shepherd Isles for either a Revelatory Chart or Strategic Information (50% chance).


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Opening a Cache of Curiosities 'Some sort of barrel' Rare Event +1
Open an Unprepossessing Mass 'A wooden corner shows' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight 'Inspire wanderlust' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Your Lodgings 'A delivery from a grateful friend' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Speak to the Doctor 'Invite him to drink with you' Requirement ≥ 1
Speak to the Doctor 'Invite him to drink with you' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The House of the Question 'Gain Storm's Attention' Requirement ≥ 1
The House of the Question 'Gain Storm's Attention' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The House of the Question 'Lift Storm's Curse' Requirement ≥ 7
The House of the Question 'Lift Storm's Curse' Default / Challenge Fail -7
Shepherd Isles 'The rest of the zee' Requirement ≥ 2
Shepherd Isles 'The rest of the zee' Default / Challenge Fail -2
Shepherd Isles 'The rest of the zee' Rare Event -2
Godfall 'Of wine' Requirement ≥ 5
Godfall 'Of wine' Default / Challenge Fail -5
Godfall 'Of more wine' Requirement ≥ 5
Godfall 'Of more wine' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Investigation 'Miserable realisations' Requirement ≥ 1
The Investigation 'Miserable realisations' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Tomb-Colonists in Shepherd's Wash 'A picnic at the Stones' Requirement ≥ 1
Speak to the Campaigner 'Celebrate with the Campaigner' Requirement ≥ 1
Speak to the Campaigner 'Celebrate with the Campaigner' Default / Challenge Fail -1
LIMBO'D - Saviour's Rocks Magic Cheat Menu 'The Cornucopia of Cheating' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Preparing for the Festival of Silk 'Compile a Port Report' Requirement ≥ 1
Preparing for the Festival of Silk 'Compile a Port Report' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Cavendish Abbey 'A Meeting with the Abbess' Default / Challenge Fail +5
A Smuggler's Reward 'A well-earned reward' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Memories Stewed in Honey 'Decline the taste' Default / Challenge Fail +10
A Message for Zaira 'Hand her the medallion' Default / Challenge Fail +3
The Throne-Cyst 'Attend the Poissonnier's feast' Requirement ≥ 5
The Throne-Cyst 'Attend the Poissonnier's feast' Default / Challenge Fail -5
Provide what you have promised 'Provide wine, and join the celebration' Requirement ≥ 10
Provide what you have promised 'Provide wine, and join the celebration' Default / Challenge Fail -10
Provide what you have promised 'Provide wine' Requirement ≥ 10
Provide what you have promised 'Provide wine' Default / Challenge Fail -10
London in Glory 'Listen to the song' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Carnelian Conspiracies 'It just might work' Requirement ≥ 1
Carnelian Conspiracies 'It just might work' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Hearthsake Village 'Poison the Cannibal Pirates' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Lost Treasure Hunter 'Trade stories with the Lost Treasure Hunter' Requirement ≥ 1
The Lost Treasure Hunter 'Trade stories with the Lost Treasure Hunter' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Lost Treasure Hunter 'Trade stories with the Lost Treasure Hunter' Rare Event -1
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of wine' Requirement ≥ 1
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of wine' Default / Challenge Fail -1
A Dilemma On Pigmote Isle 'Recommend prohibition' Default / Challenge Fail +2
Drinks With The Cheery Man 'Call it a night' Default / Challenge Fail +3
Anthe 'Contribute to the celebration' Requirement ≥ 1
Anthe 'Contribute to the celebration' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Undercrow 'Provide wine for a dead man's toast' Requirement ≥ 1
The Undercrow 'Provide wine for a dead man's toast' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Stage of History 'Trade wine for time in the archives' Requirement ≥ 1
The Stage of History 'Trade wine for time in the archives' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Edge of Nook 'Return to Nook' Requirement ≥ 1
The Edge of Nook 'Return to Nook' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Edge of Nook 'Return to freedom' Requirement ≥ 1
The Edge of Nook 'Return to freedom' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Ambition: Death Hath No More Dominion 'Coax tales of immortality from him' Requirement ≥ 1
Ambition: Death Hath No More Dominion 'Coax tales of immortality from him' Default / Challenge Fail -1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Opening a Cache of Curiosities Some sort of barrel Rare:

Open an Unprepossessing Mass A wooden corner shows Default:

The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight Inspire wanderlust Default:

Your Lodgings A delivery from a grateful friend Default:

Speak to the Doctor Invite him to drink with you Default:

The House of the Question Gain Storm's Attention Default:
Lift Storm's Curse Default:

Shepherd Isles The rest of the zee Default: Rare:

Godfall Of wine Default:
    SS bottle2small -5 x Cask of Mushroom Wine

    SS echosmall +150 x Echo

Of more wine Default:
    SS bottle2small -5 x Cask of Mushroom Wine

    SS echosmall +100 x Echo

The Investigation Miserable realisations Default:

Tomb-Colonists in Shepherd's Wash A picnic at the Stones
    SS suppliessmall Supplies ≥ 2

    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine ≥ 1


Speak to the Campaigner Celebrate with the Campaigner Default:

LIMBO'D - Saviour's Rocks Magic Cheat Menu The Cornucopia of Cheating None Default:

Preparing for the Festival of Silk Compile a Port Report Default:

Cavendish Abbey A Meeting with the Abbess Default:

A Smuggler's Reward A well-earned reward None Default:

Memories Stewed in Honey Decline the taste None Default:

A Message for Zaira Hand her the medallion None Default:

The Throne-Cyst Attend the Poissonnier's feast Default:

Provide what you have promised Provide wine, and join the celebration Default:
Provide wine Default:

London in Glory Listen to the song None Default:

Carnelian Conspiracies It just might work Default:

Hearthsake Village Poison the Cannibal Pirates Default:

The Lost Treasure Hunter Trade stories with the Lost Treasure Hunter Default: Rare:

A Civilised Exchange of Gifts A gift of wine
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine ≥ 1


A Dilemma On Pigmote Isle Recommend prohibition Default:

Drinks With The Cheery Man Call it a night None Default:

Anthe Contribute to the celebration Default:
    SS bottle2small -1 x Cask of Mushroom Wine

    SS suppliessmall +1 x Supplies

The Undercrow Provide wine for a dead man's toast Default:

The Stage of History Trade wine for time in the archives
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine ≥ 1


The Edge of Nook Return to Nook Default:
Return to freedom Default:

Ambition: Death Hath No More Dominion Coax tales of immortality from him
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine ≥ 1


Shop availability[]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS wolfstackdocks portsmall Wolfstack Exchange - London
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS khansheart portsmall Licensed Exchange - Nephrite Quarter
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS sapphiresmall Sapphire Exchange - Port Carnelian Market
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS bohogirl7small Peleghast's Post - Adam's Way
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS banknotessmall Arcade of Sighs - Tomb-Colonies
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS drunksmall The Arrant Limpet - Corsair's Forest
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS heart2small House of Harvests - The Gesundheit Conspiracy
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS remainssmall Dearly Departed - Freemarket
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
SS flukessmall Requisitions - The Fortas Kettle
    SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine
Passengers Tomb-ColonistA Shady SortChequered CharacterUnsettling Sage
Trade goods Bale of Parabola-LinenBolts of Spider-SilkCask of Mushroom WineClay Man, Marked for LondonColossal Fluke-CoreCrate of Human SoulsDevilbone DiceDocile BlemmiganFirkin of Prisoner's HoneyFoxfire CandlesFuelLive SpecimenMutersaltPrisonerRomantic LiteratureSack of Darkdrop Coffee BeansScintillackSoothe & Cooper Long-BoxSphinxstoneStrange CatchSuppliesTomb-ColonistUnstamped Crate of Bottled SoulsWatchful CurioZzoup