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Comatose Ferret
Comatose Ferret
Position Mascot

SS heartssmall +1 x Hearts

Data ID 107457

Comatose Ferret is a potential Mascot, a type of Officer.


Mostly, it's immobile. Sometimes, it's feral. Usually, it just lies across your desk like a lumpy scarf.

Character description[]

"Mostly, it's immobile. Occasionally, it's feral."


You start with the Comatose Ferret when you begin a new game.


Is used for the Merciless Modiste storyline, to produce a coat.

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Play with your Ferret

Attract its attention.

A weary roll of the eye

Play, that eye-roll says. Play. I played once, in the happy warrens of London, before you installed me in this floating coffin and made me eat dried food. Damn your play. It is an eloquent eye-roll.

Rare event (19%)

The Comatose Ferret resents the disturbance. It springs to life like a figure in an enchanted painting in a story, sinking a sudden fang into your thumb.

Play with your Ferret

Today, your Ferret seems a little livelier.

A single circuit

The Ferret rises from its pillow and moves to explore the cabin! It moves like a meandering stream of treacle. It noses at furniture, disdains boots. It returns to its pillow. There is nothing, its expression says - nothing at all - nothing for me here.

Rare event (49%)
A cheerful nip

The Ferret raises its head and snaps at your hand. It moves so slowly that you cannot imagine it hoped to bite you properly. It sets its head at an angle. The angle says: Yes. I know how you taste.

Play with your Ferret

Today, the Ferret is wary. There is a fey glint in its eye.

A sort of hunt

A rat! The Ferret rises like a serpent and streaks across the room like a discharged spark. At least: in theory, it does. In practice, it orients its head towards the rat, which disappears instantly in a puff of squeak.

Rare event (47%)
The attraction of reflection

The Ferret admires itself in a mirror: the sleek fur of its leg. It rolls its lip to admire its teeth. Or is that what it's doing? Is it yawning? Or mesmerised by the mirror? Impossible to say.

Consume your Comatose Ferret

It looks more and more like a plumply enticing furry sausage. But it is, also, adorable. What to do?

A conspiracy with the cook

Your Ferret goes uncomplainingly to the pot. It's nice to think that even at the end, it served loyally: but you suspect it simply can't be bothered to complain. It barely takes the edge off your hunger, but every little helps.

    SS ferretsmall -1 x Comatose Ferret

    SS hunger2small -25 x Hunger

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Chief Engineers Gall-Eyed EngineerGenial MagicianPrudent MagicianThe Satisfied MagicianThe Urbane MagicianMaybe's DaughterMaybe's RivalNobody's DaughterTireless Mechanic
First Officers Carnelian ExileSigil-Eaten NavigatorSigil-Ridden NavigatorSly NavigatorThe Merciless ModisteYour Father
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Surgeons Brisk CampaignerCladery HeirDetermined DoctorDisillusioned DoctorHaunted DoctorIndomitable CampaignerPlausible SurgeonThe Lady in LilacThe Scarred Sister
Mascots Albino TinkererComatose FerretElegiac CockatooEyeless SkullGuinea PageKeeper-MothMonkey FoundlingParabolan KittenParabolan PantherVigilant IdolWretched Mog