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Dahut: Seeking a Prisoner of Dahut
Category Quality
Type Dahut
Data ID 126629

Dahut: Seeking a Prisoner of Dahut is considered a Dahut Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Qualities description[]

"You've been asked to find a certain person imprisoned in Dahut."


Quality status[]

Dahut: Seeking a Prisoner of Dahut has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] Asked to seek and free a prisoner in Dahut
  • [2] Begun asking about a prisoner in Dahut
  • [3] Saw a prisoner in the Crypt
  • [10] Freed a prisoner of Dahut
  • [15] Brought a Dahut Prisoner to visit her friend in Wrack
  • [20] Delivered a prisoner of Dahut to Rosegate
  • [30] Reported back to the Composer at Wrack that the Dahut Prisoner was set free


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Rosegate 'Set down your traveller from Dahut' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
Rosegate: After the Cigar 'Drop off the prisoner from Dahut' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
Dahut 'Ask after the prisoner you heard about in Wrack' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 1
Dahut 'Ask after the prisoner you heard about in Wrack' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Dahut 'Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 2
Dahut 'Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral' Success = 3
Dahut 'Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral' Rare Success = 3
Dahut 'Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral' Requirement ≤ 0
Dahut 'Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral' Requirement ≥ 3
Away with a Drownie 'Ask questions, after' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 2
The Prison of Dahut 'Sing a Song of Broken Hulls' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 9
The Prison of Dahut 'Sing a Song of Broken Hulls' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
The Escaped Composer 'The Escaped Composer's Song' Requirement ≥ 1
The Escaped Composer 'The Escaped Composer's Song' Requirement ≤ 0
The Escaped Composer 'The Escaped Composer's Song' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Escaped Composer 'Tell the Escaped Composer about his Friend' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20
The Escaped Composer 'Tell the Escaped Composer about his Friend' Default / Challenge Fail = 30
The Escaped Composer 'Reunite the Drownie Prisoner with the Escaped Composer' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
The Escaped Composer 'Reunite the Drownie Prisoner with the Escaped Composer' Default / Challenge Fail = 15
The Escaped Composer 'Reset the Prisoner of Dahut' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Rosegate Set down your traveller from Dahut Default:

Rosegate: After the Cigar Drop off the prisoner from Dahut Default:

Dahut Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral Success: Rare Success:
Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral Default:
Ask after the prisoner you heard about in Wrack Default:
Investigate the Crypt of the great Cathedral Default:

Away with a Drownie Ask questions, after
    SS societywomansmall Dahut: Seeking a Prisoner of Dahut ≥ 1 ≤ 2

    SS veilssmall Veils (167 for 100%)


The Prison of Dahut Sing a Song of Broken Hulls Default:

The Escaped Composer The Escaped Composer's Song Default:
The Escaped Composer's Song Default:
Tell the Escaped Composer about his Friend Default:
Reunite the Drownie Prisoner with the Escaped Composer Default:
    SS societywomansmall Dahut: Seeking a Prisoner of Dahut = 15 [Brought a Dahut Prisoner to visit her friend in Wrack]

    SS skullsmall -1 x Terror

Reset the Prisoner of Dahut Default:

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