Sunless Sea Wiki
Devilbone Dice
SS dicesmall
Type Trade good
Data ID 105969

Devilbone Dice is considered a common Trade goods item. It can be bought or sold at Shops.

Item description[]

"The nature of these yellowish morsels is unclear, except that they are unlikely to be composed of deceased devils. They are kept in sealed cannisters, possibly as ammunition."


Devilbone Dice can be obtained in the following ways:


You need 12 Devilbone Die (and 7 Stygian Ivory) in Iron Republic to "Fund a Tittering Artificer's Project".

Actions Actions Requirements Effects Notes

Visit to the Smith's Emporium Ask the smith to construct an assembly-housing for the Cannoneer's weapon

"A shining horror" Game note: Mount the Memento Mori on your ship, or sell it to one of the warlike zee-nations. Some will give you better prices than others. You may tilt the balance of power on the zee.
Iron Republic Fund a Tittering Artificer's Project

"Icarus in Black" Game note: This is a Forward-mounted weapon with unusual characteristics.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Iron Republic 'Fund a Tittering Artificer's Project' Requirement ≥ 12
Iron Republic 'Fund a Tittering Artificer's Project' Default / Challenge Fail -12
Iron Republic 'Sell the Memento Mori to a purchaser in the Iron Republic' Default / Challenge Fail +13
Visit to the Smith's Emporium 'Ask the smith to construct an assembly-housing for the Cannoneer's weapon' Requirement ≥ 3
Visit to the Smith's Emporium 'Ask the smith to construct an assembly-housing for the Cannoneer's weapon' Default / Challenge Fail + -3
The Venturer's Desires '"Something perilous."' Requirement ≥ 7
The Venturer's Desires '"Something perilous."' Default / Challenge Fail -7
Provide what you have promised 'Provide wine, and join the celebration' Default / Challenge Fail +1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Iron Republic Fund a Tittering Artificer's Project Default:
Sell the Memento Mori to a purchaser in the Iron Republic Default:

Visit to the Smith's Emporium Ask the smith to construct an assembly-housing for the Cannoneer's weapon Default:

The Venturer's Desires "Something perilous." Default:

Provide what you have promised Provide wine, and join the celebration Default:

Shop availability[]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS wolfstackdocks portsmall Wolfstack Exchange - London
    SS dicesmall Devilbone Dice
SS digsmall Malebolge Excavations - Palmerston
    SS dicesmall Devilbone Dice
SS appallingsecretsmall House of Harms - Expulsus
    SS dicesmall Devilbone Dice
SS remainssmall Dearly Departed - Freemarket
    SS dicesmall Devilbone Dice
SS ironsmall Hull-harvest - Struggling Wrack -
    SS dicesmall +2 x Devilbone Dice