Sunless Sea Wiki
Sunless Sea Wiki
SS moonpearlsmall
Type Curiosity
Data ID 109102

Drowning-Pearl is considered a common Curiosity item.

Item description[]

"Still chilly from the fingers of Drownies..."


Drowning-Pearl can be obtained in the following ways:

Location Interaction Requirements Effect
    Trade for Drowning-Pearls

"An exchange"
    Put a blemmigan ashore
    Rescue a dripping parcel

    Contribute Supplies to the Zeppelin
"The delivery is made"
    Contribute Fuel to the Zeppelin
"The delivery is made"
    Purchase a Drowning-Pearl
"Cold as stones"
    SS echosmall -30 x Echo SS moonpearlsmall +1 x Drowning-Pearl
Trade with the Fathomking's Ambassador SS Pigmote Isle Mastery Pigmote Isle: Mastery = 31 or 32

SS Echo Echo ≥ 100

"Clammy Textures"

SS Echo -100 x Echo SS Drowning-Pearl +20 x Drowning-Pearl


Location Interaction Requirements Effect
    A Gleaming Marauder is assembling an immense hoard of Drowning Pearls

"Another pebble for the mountain!"
    Offer a gift to the Taimen

    SS moonpearlsmall 5 x Drowning-Pearl

"An offering accepted"
    Another step

"Approaching despair"

Random events[]

Random event name Effect Notes
An Unprepossessing Mass
  • +3 to +6 x Drowning-Pearl
By getting a value between 40 and 43.
  • +2 x Drowning-Pearl
After choosing the Something glinting action and getting the "A tangle of seaweed and pearls" result.
Opening A Cache Of Curiosities
  • +1 to +4 x Drowning-Pearl
After getting the An oilskin packet and "Drowning-Pearls!" result.
Rat Corsairs

After choosing the Give them what they want action.

    SS crewsmall -1 x Crew

    SS moonpearlsmall +5 x Drowning-Pearl

After choosing the Refuse the trade action while being successful at Iron challenge.
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