Sunless Sea Wiki
Element of Dawn
SS dawnmachinesmall
Type Cargo
Price 1000 x Echo (Sell) at The University
Data ID 114995

Element of Dawn is considered a Cargo item.

Item description[]

"And yet it moves. A piece, emission or work of the Dawn Machine."


Element of Dawn can only be obtained in the SS genericindustrial portgaz Grand Geode, by either:

Note: This the only way to obtain an Element of Dawn other than selling Memento Mori.
  • Vital Intelligence, is mostly gained through time and labour. Essentially this part costs 500-600 echoes that you could have gained by selling it to Voracious Diplomat. (If you can afford to live with SS Supremacy The Dawn Machine 1 x Supremacy: The Dawn Machine that you get from purchasing an Element of Dawn it means you can afford to sell the Vital Intelligence to Voracious Diplomat instead)
  • The crew members cost 70 to 135 echoes to replenish (30 echoes in London for 2-3 Crew thus 10 to 15 each), unless you fancy sailing all around the map looking for rare opportunities and wasting SAYs on them.
  • Considering the crazy amount of supplies required, Naples is probably your best option of getting them, so you could probably chalk that down as 5 echo per crate for a total of 250 (assuming that the fuel, crew and supplies you spend on the trip to the surface was not part of the cost since there was some other reason for you to to go there anyway at the time and it didn't conflict with you coming out of there with 50 crates of extra supplies ON TOP of whatever supplies and fuel you needed for the rest of the trip during which you bought the element of dawn). If not, there's Port Carnelian with 18 per crate for 900 total, or Iron Republic with 15 per crate for a total of 750. That said, those 50 crates of supplies could have instead been sold for as much as 1250 in the Iron Republic (assuming the time is right) or 1000 elsewhere assuming the trip (with all 50 crates) to wherever that happens to be is not otherwise inconvenient.
  • Generally speaking though, the biggest problems with obtaining an element of the dawn are the cargo hold space required and the SS Supremacy The Dawn Machine 1 x Supremacy: The Dawn Machine that comes with the purchase. The former means you need a heavy ship and the latter means that there's only so many times you can buy one before you cause irreparable damage to the admiralty.
  • However, for most intents and purposes there's only one use for an Element of Dawn that warrants the cost - creating the Fulgent Impeller. Which means that you are going to need a heavy ship anyway (or more likely, it's your need for a heavy ship that created the need for Fulgent Impeller and thus the need for an Element of Dawn in the first place) and means that you only really have to deal with extra SS Supremacy The Dawn Machine 1 x Supremacy: The Dawn Machine once which usually isn't that big a deal.


Element of Dawn has the following uses:

Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Alarming Scholar 'An Element of Dawn' Requirement ≥ 1
The Alarming Scholar 'An Element of Dawn' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Alarming Scholar 'An Element of Dawn' Rare Event -1
Grand Geode 'Sell the Memento Mori to the servants of the Dawn Machine' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Grand Geode 'Purchase an Element of Dawn from the Commodore' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Kingeater's Castle 'Construct the Fulgent Impeller' Requirement ≥ 1
Kingeater's Castle 'Construct the Fulgent Impeller' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Salt's Song '"The price might be Dawn."' Requirement ≤ 0
Salt's Song '"There is no price."' Requirement ≤ 0
Salt's Song '"An Element of Dawn will not suffice."' Requirement ≥ 1
Khan's Shadow 'Acquire a Doomed Monster-Hunter' Requirement ≥ 1
Khan's Shadow 'Acquire a Doomed Monster-Hunter' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Give the Fathomking an Element of Dawn' Requirement ≥ 1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Give the Fathomking an Element of Dawn' Default / Challenge Fail -1
The Diamond Bridge 'Cross the bridge' Requirement ≥ 1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Alarming Scholar An Element of Dawn
    SS dawnmachinesmall Element of Dawn ≥ 1

    SS dawnmachinesmall -1 x Element of Dawn

    SS echosmall +1000 x Echo


Grand Geode Sell the Memento Mori to the servants of the Dawn Machine Default:
Purchase an Element of Dawn from the Commodore Default:

Kingeater's Castle Construct the Fulgent Impeller Default:

Salt's Song "The price might be Dawn."
"There is no price." Default:
"An Element of Dawn will not suffice."

Khan's Shadow Acquire a Doomed Monster-Hunter
    SS dawnmachinesmall Element of Dawn ≥ 1


The Fathomking's Answer Give the Fathomking an Element of Dawn Default:

The Diamond Bridge Cross the bridge
    SS dawnmachinesmall Element of Dawn ≥ 1


Shop availability[]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS boat basicsmall Threshold - The Last Market
    SS dawnmachinesmall Element of Dawn

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