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Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status
Category Quality
Type Empire of Hands
Data ID 114891

Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status is considered a Empire of Hands Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Qualities description[]

"Your current standing in the Monkey Court."



Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Zailing the Empire of Hands 'Travel to the Wildweald Court' Requirement ≥ 0 ≤ 40
Zailing the Empire of Hands 'Travel to the Wildweald Court' Requirement ≥ 41 ≤ 50
Sovereign Island 'Gain access to the Court' Default / Challenge Fail = 5
The Zeppelin Under Construction 'Contribute Souls to the Zeppelin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Zeppelin Under Construction 'Contribute Supplies to the Zeppelin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Zeppelin Under Construction 'Contribute Fuel to the Zeppelin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Zeppelin Under Construction 'Deliver Hydrogen to the Zeppelin' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Wildweald Court 'Trade with the Wildweald Court' Requirement ≥ 15
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Rare Event +5
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Rare Event +5
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Rare Event +5
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor in Court' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Wildweald Court 'A Visitor In Court' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Hearthsake Village 'Poison the Cannibal Pirates' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Hearthsake Village 'Join a raid on the Empire of Hands' Default / Challenge Fail -5
Hearthsake Village 'Join a raid on the Empire of Hands' Rare Event -5
The Chandler of Souls 'Sell to the Ambitious Page' Requirement ≥ 10
The Chandler of Souls 'Sell to the Veiled Concubine' Requirement ≥ 25
The Chandler of Souls 'Sell to the Mayor of Port Stanton' Requirement ≥ 0
The Chandler of Souls 'Sell to the Monkey Baronet' Requirement ≥ 45
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 40
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Default / Challenge Fail +10
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Rare Event +10
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Requirement ≥ 41 ≤ 50
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Default / Challenge Fail +5
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Rare Event +10
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Requirement ≥ 0 ≤ 9
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Default / Challenge Fail -5
The Chandler of Souls 'A gift for the Emperor' Rare Event +10
The Silent Gallery 'A Plan: Supplies for the Zeppelin' Requirement ≥ 35
The Silent Gallery 'A Plan: Fuel for the Zeppelin' Requirement ≥ 25
The Silent Gallery 'Ask for help translating the Vault inscriptions' Requirement ≥ 30
The Silent Gallery 'Gain the Emperor's Favour' Requirement ≥ 50
The Silent Gallery 'A Destination: The Elder Continent' Requirement ≥ 40
The Silent Gallery 'A Destination: Past the Uttermost Edge' Requirement ≥ 40
The Not-So Delightful Adventuress 'Buy a tomato' Default / Challenge Fail -2
The Not-So Delightful Adventuress 'Buy a tomato' Rare Event +10
The Not-So Delightful Adventuress 'Buy a tomato' Success +5
Legacy of the First Emperor 'Donate the Legacy to the Zeppelin' Default / Challenge Fail +10
Legacy of the First Emperor 'Punish the Delightful Adventuress' Default / Challenge Fail +5
Legacy of the First Emperor 'Refuse' Default / Challenge Fail -5
An Audience with the Emperor 'Accept the commission' Default / Challenge Fail +5
An Audience with the Emperor 'Hero of the Wildweald Court!' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
An Audience with the Emperor 'Return the bow' Success +5
An Audience with the Emperor 'A curtsey instead' Success +5
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of souls' Default / Challenge Fail -7
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of red honey' Default / Challenge Fail +5
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of cinders' Default / Challenge Fail +5
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of wine' Default / Challenge Fail +2
A Civilised Exchange of Gifts 'A gift of prisoner's honey' Default / Challenge Fail +2

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Zailing the Empire of Hands Travel to the Wildweald Court Default:
Travel to the Wildweald Court Default:

Sovereign Island Gain access to the Court Default:

The Zeppelin Under Construction Contribute Souls to the Zeppelin Default:
Contribute Supplies to the Zeppelin Default:
Contribute Fuel to the Zeppelin Default:
Deliver Hydrogen to the Zeppelin Default:

The Wildweald Court A Visitor in Court Default:
Trade with the Wildweald Court
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 15

A Visitor in Court Rare:
A Visitor in Court Default: Rare:
A Visitor in Court Default: Rare:
A Visitor in Court Default:
A Visitor In Court Default:

Hearthsake Village Join a raid on the Empire of Hands Default:
    SS desksmall -5 x Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status

Poison the Cannibal Pirates Default:

The Chandler of Souls Sell to the Ambitious Page
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 10

Sell to the Veiled Concubine
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 25

Sell to the Mayor of Port Stanton
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 0

Sell to the Monkey Baronet
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 45

A gift for the Emperor
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 10 ≤ 40

Default: Rare:
A gift for the Emperor
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 41 ≤ 50

Default: Rare:
A gift for the Emperor
    SS desksmall Empire of Hands: Wildweald Status ≥ 0 ≤ 9

Default: Rare:

The Silent Gallery A Plan: Supplies for the Zeppelin Default:
A Plan: Fuel for the Zeppelin Default:
Ask for help translating the Vault inscriptions Default:
Gain the Emperor's Favour Default:
A Destination: The Elder Continent Default:
A Destination: Past the Uttermost Edge Default:

The Not-So Delightful Adventuress Buy a tomato Default: Rare: Success:

Legacy of the First Emperor Donate the Legacy to the Zeppelin Default:
Punish the Delightful Adventuress Default:
Refuse Default:

An Audience with the Emperor Return the bow Success:
A curtsey instead Success:
Accept the commission Default:
Hero of the Wildweald Court! Default:

A Civilised Exchange of Gifts A gift of souls Default:
A gift of red honey Default:
A gift of cinders Default:
A gift of wine Default:
A gift of prisoner's honey Default:

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past