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Encounters with the Pirate-Poet
Category Quality
Type Misc
Data ID 118475

Encounters with the Pirate-Poet is considered a Misc Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Qualities description[]

"You have a rival at zee."


Quality status[]

Encounters with the Pirate-Poet has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [0] You have heard of the Pirate-Poet
  • [10] You have defeated the Pirate-Poet
  • [20] You have once again defeated the Pirate-Poet
  • [30] You have dined with the Pirate-Poet
  • [40] You have forged a rivalry with the Pirate-Poet
  • [50] You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet
  • [90] You have abandoned the Pirate-Poet to the zee
  • [99] The Pirate-Poet has written her last verse


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Gaider's Mourn 'Overhear rumours of a Pirate-Poet' Requirement ≤ 0
Gaider's Mourn 'A familiar face' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Choose a face tattoo' Requirement ≥ 41 ≤ 41
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Choose a face tattoo' Default / Challenge Fail = 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Choose an arm tattoo' Requirement ≥ 41 ≤ 41
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Choose an arm tattoo' Default / Challenge Fail = 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Choose a back tattoo' Requirement ≥ 41 ≤ 41
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Choose a back tattoo' Default / Challenge Fail = 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Refuse a tattoo' Requirement ≥ 41 ≤ 41
An Exchange of Tattoos 'A verse of your own poetry' Requirement ≥ 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'A verse of your own poetry' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
An Exchange of Tattoos 'A tentacle-wrapped anchor' Requirement ≥ 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'A tentacle-wrapped anchor' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
An Exchange of Tattoos 'A heart of flesh' Requirement ≥ 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'A heart of flesh' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
An Exchange of Tattoos 'An awakening eye' Requirement ≥ 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'An awakening eye' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Your own face' Requirement ≥ 45
An Exchange of Tattoos 'Your own face' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
A Truce on Neutral Ground 'Drinks with the Pirate-Poet' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
A Truce on Neutral Ground 'A tryst with the Pirate-Poet' Default / Challenge Fail = 41
A Truce on Neutral Ground 'Walk away' Default / Challenge Fail = 50

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Gaider's Mourn Overhear rumours of a Pirate-Poet
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet ≤ 0

A familiar face Default:

An Exchange of Tattoos Choose a face tattoo
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 41 [You have forged a rivalry with the Pirate-Poet]

Choose an arm tattoo
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 41 [You have forged a rivalry with the Pirate-Poet]

Choose a back tattoo
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 41 [You have forged a rivalry with the Pirate-Poet]

Refuse a tattoo
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 41 [You have forged a rivalry with the Pirate-Poet]

A verse of your own poetry
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet ≥ 45

    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

A tentacle-wrapped anchor
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet ≥ 45

    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

A heart of flesh
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet ≥ 45

    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

An awakening eye
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet ≥ 45

    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

Your own face
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet ≥ 45

    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

A Truce on Neutral Ground Drinks with the Pirate-Poet None Default:
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

    SS tattoosmall Memoirs: A Pirate's Tattoo = 1 [Obscene. Illegal. Anatomically most improbable.]

    SS skullsmall -10 x Terror

A tryst with the Pirate-Poet None Default:
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 41 [You have forged a rivalry with the Pirate-Poet]

    SS skullsmall -10 x Terror

    Triggers event: SS piratepoetsmall An Exchange of Tattoos
Walk away None Default:
    SS piratepoetsmall Encounters with the Pirate-Poet = 50 [You have reached a rapport with the Pirate-Poet]

    Triggers event: SS corsairsforest portsmall Gaider's Mourn

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past