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Experimental Modifications
Category Quality
Type Misc
Data ID 127496

Experimental Modifications is considered a Misc Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Qualities description[]

"Increase this to 100 at the hidden workshop in Port Carnelian to convert your ship to a zubmarine."


Quality status[]

Experimental Modifications has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You can trade Zee-Ztories, Stygian Ivory, Outlandish Artefacts, or Extraordinary Implications to increase this.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Contribute nautical know-how' Requirement ≤ 99
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Contribute nautical know-how' Default / Challenge Fail +20
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Contribute nautical know-how' Rare Event +20
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Donate a mysterious device' Requirement ≤ 99
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Donate a mysterious device' Default / Challenge Fail +60
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Donate a mysterious device' Rare Event +60
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Donate Stygian Ivory' Requirement ≤ 99
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Donate Stygian Ivory' Default / Challenge Fail +20
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Contribute advanced theory' Requirement ≤ 99
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Contribute advanced theory' Default / Challenge Fail +100
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Contribute advanced theory' Rare Event +100
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase II: Retrieve a set of zonar schematics' Requirement ≥ 100
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase II: Retrieve a set of zonar schematics' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Provide additional funding' Requirement ≤ 99
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Provide additional funding' Default / Challenge Fail +25
The Hidden Workshop 'Phase I: Provide additional funding' Rare Event +25

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Hidden Workshop Phase I: Contribute nautical know-how Default:
    SS repairsmall +20 x Experimental Modifications

    SS wavesmall -3 x Zee-ztory

    SS repairsmall +20 x Experimental Modifications

    SS wavesmall -3 x Zee-ztory

Phase I: Donate a mysterious device Default: Rare:
Phase I: Donate Stygian Ivory Default:
Phase I: Contribute advanced theory Default: Rare:
Phase II: Retrieve a set of zonar schematics
    SS submarineblacksmall Acquiring a Zubmarine = 10 [The Fierce Philanthropist will help you convert your ship to a zubmarine at her hidden workshop]

    SS repairsmall Experimental Modifications ≥ 100

Phase I: Provide additional funding Default:
    SS repairsmall +25 x Experimental Modifications

    SS echosmall -75 x Echo

    SS repairsmall +25 x Experimental Modifications

    SS echosmall -75 x Echo

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