Sunless Sea Wiki
Fallen London
Fallen London (Map)
SS Locations Fallen London Map
Fallen London (Gazetteer)
SS fallenlondon portgaz
Located in Southern Archipelago
Ports Wolfstack Docks
Shops SS chap7small Bultitude's House of Vision

SS master2small Caminus Yards

SS genericmale1small Carrow's Naval Surplus

SS mrsplentysmall Mrs Plenty's Shipside Provisioners

SS wolfstackdocks portsmall Wolfstack Exchange

SS chap8small The Iron & Misery Company

Shipyard Drydock
Data ID 141880

Fallen London is the central location of Sunless Sea: The city of London, taken underground to the Unterzee, a vast ocean beneath the surface of the Earth.

Port description[]

FALLEN LONDON! Deep, dark and marvellous. All voyages start here: and this is where successful voyages end.


Fallen London is the starting location when you create a new game and is available when you dock in Wolfstack Docks.

Fallen London has a variety of locations:

You can also pick up more of the Lost and Damned in the form of Tomb-Colonists to take to Venderbight or recruit more men for your Crew.

Additionally, certain locations are only accessible after certain conditions are met. See the Available events section.

Port interactions[]

SS Interactions London! London![]

Location description[]

She's the greatest city in the Unterzee. And don't you forget it.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Visit the Admiralty's Survey Office

They'll pay for information from zee-captains. Find out what, and how.

Visit the University

The University has an inexhaustible appetite for Secrets, zee-speciments, and other tidbits of esoteric lore. Provide a Secret to prove yourself worthy of entry.

Quite impressed

“Oh yes,” the University's Maritime Liaison whispers breathily. “Oh yes. This is quite a tasty one. Let me explain it to you.” She (he?) explains, teeth glinting.

Game note: Find Secrets by locating locations of interest, or in foreign ports.
Visit the Rose-Market

It bustles on Roser's Wharf. Perhaps you can find a buyer for some of the curiosities you've found at zee.

Put your ship in Drydock

For repairs, or sometimes other purposes...

    A new recruit!

    Who awaits your attention?

    Hire on more crew

    Sensible zailors are looking for a safe run to the tomb-colonies, or at least a sane run to the Southern Archipelago. You'll need to buy drinks, spread around hiring fees. Look for daredevils.

      SS heartssmall Hearts challenge (34 for 100%)

      SS crewsmall Crew ≤ (max crew size - 1)

      SS echosmall 30 x Echo

    Failed event
    Lean pickings

    An eager-seeming crowd of zailors consumed all the beer you buy and then melts away. You're left with a single strabismic, melancholy seaman who wants to know if he can bring his pickled monkey aboard. “I'll pad the bottle with straw,” he promises.

    Successful event
    Rich pickings

    Your tall tales find a ready audience. Scarred and seasoned men and women tramp aboard and find places to sling hammocks.

    Carouse in Wolfstack Docks

    There is no danger here. Try to enjoy yourself.

    Failed event Game note: This will reduce your Terror. You might run into trouble, or romance..
    A strange night out

    You wake in the back room of Gaston's Lampery, head pounding. You had something to drink, but beyond that it's a little hazy. Your knuckles are bloody (your blood, you think) and your shirt bloody likewise (probably not yours, unless your blood is slick and greenish). You've had better nights out. “A difficult brew,” Gaston says gnomically.

    Successful event
    A good night out

    Sea shanties, good companionship, and the warmth of a pub fire.

    Rare successful event (50%)
    A marvelous night out

    Sea shanties, fine food, and the warmth of a pub fire. And something more...

    Carouse in Wolfstack Docks

    There is no danger here. Try to enjoy yourself.

    Failed event Game note: This will reduce your Terror. You might run into trouble, or romance.
    A strange night out

    You wake in the back room of Gaston's Lampery, head pounding. You had something to drink, but beyond that it's a little hazy. Your knuckles are bloody (your blood, you think) and your shirt bloody likewise (probably not yours, unless your blood is slick and greenish). You've had better nights out. “A difficult brew,” Gaston says gnomically.

    Successful event
    A marvelous night out

    Sea shanties, fine food, and the warmth of a pub fire. And something more...

    Rare successful event (50%)
    A marvelous night out

    Sea shanties, fine food, and the warmth of a pub fire. And something more...

    Carouse in Wolfstack Docks

    There is no danger here. Try to enjoy yourself.

    Failed event Game note: This will reduce your Terror. You might run into trouble, or romance.
    A strange night out

    You wake in the back room of Gaston's Lampery, head pounding. You had something to drink, but beyond that it's a little hazy. Your knuckles are bloody (your blood, you think) and your shirt bloody likewise (probably not yours, unless your blood is slick and greenish). You've had better nights out. “A difficult brew,” Gaston says gnomically.

    Successful event
    A good night out

    Sea shanties, good companionship, and the warmth of a pub fire.

    Rare successful event (50%)
    A good night out

    Sea shanties, good companionship, and the warmth of a pub fire.

    Adopt a Blemmigan Gallivanter

    A Blemmigan sits atop a splintered crate, clicking and whistling at captains as they come near.

    A polite bow

    You extend your hand and the Blemmigan leaps on. Its tendrils entwine with your fingers, and it chitters quietly. It meets your gaze and bobs its dome in greeting. It's very small – is it old enough for naval service? You're pretty sure its moustache has been drawn on in pen, in an attempt to look older.

    As you approach your ship's gangplank, the creature flutes and vibrates with apparent happiness. The bosun winces as you bring it aboard.

    Offer passage to a Tomb-Colonist

    An emigrant will pay to be taken north, to Venderbight.

    It's oddly difficult to die in Fallen London; but when a Londoner is too tatty and wretched to live, they wrap themselves in bandages and take ship for the Tomb-Colonies. Your crew cart these ones aboard in padded coffins. They'll sleep there until the journey is done.

    Game note: The tomb-colonist is in your hold. Take them north to the colony of Venderbight, and sell them there.
    Deliver Sphinxstone

    Special Constables - black uniforms, distinctive caps, the badge of the Ministry of Public Decency - wait with a cart.

    “Sign.” “Sign.” “Sign.” “Here's a receipt.” “Here's a discretion-contract.” “Here's a penalty-contract.” Your vision is blurred by the end of it all. The cart rumbles off into the coiling fog. Here's your reward.

    You gain +25 x Echo for each. Comes in a batch of 20.
    Deliver Sphinxstone to... ?

    A smiling woman in an elegant jonquil gown places a gloved hand on your arm. “Are you waiting for the Ministry men? They won't be coming. But I have a proposition for you.”

    Bright gown, bright hair

    Her skin glows with health. Her smile is wise and merciless.

    A dusty gentleman

    “Captain! Wait! She gave you an errand, didn't she? She serves a certain Power - a bright one, but not a friendly one. I have a counter-proposal. Will you listen?”

    Tired eyes, sallow skin

    He stoops like a clerk and coughs like a miner. But that frock-coat is of the finest fabric and the newest cut. “My name is Penstock,” he says.

    A dusty gentleman

    “Captain! A moment. You turned her down, didn't you? That was wise. The Power she serves is no friend to London, or to the Bazaar. I have a proposal of my own. Will you listen?”

    Tired eyes, sallow skin

    He stoops like a clerk and coughs like a miner. But that frock-coat is of the finest fabric and the newest cut. “My name is Penstock,” he says.

    Deliver Sphinxstone for Penstock

    St Joshua is the patron saint of spies and intriguers. His clergy are the Midnighters: steeped in secrets and wrapped in irrigo. Penstock wishes you to take the Sphinxstone to them.

    The Shrine of St Joshua

    The Shrine moves constantly, but you have directions from Penstock. Tonight, it is here, at the bottom of a narrow flight of stairs that leads down to the Stolen River, that you find the shrine. It is hung with irrigo. Its altar is a stool, with the icon of St Joshua set upon it. You shield your eyes against the sapping colour. Already you've forgotten the route you took to come here. With luck, the zailors waiting above with the stone will not have wandered off.

    “The Salt Lions,” the Midnighter says breathily. “Oh yes, oh yes. That must be forgotten. Don't worry: we'll purge the stone of what remains. We're grateful to you, although you won't remember why - ”

    And now here you are behind the warehouses at the docks. Your hands and lips are cold. Here, in your pocket, is a tattered book.

    Deliver Sphinxstone to the boy Slivvy

    Slivvy is the fey and stuttering shaman-boy who speaks to the wind. Slivvy lives in the Flit, the rooftop kingdom of Fallen London, where urchins and anarchists lair. It's not far. But it is high. It won't be easy to get the Sphinxstone up there.

    Step by step

    You still have contacts in the urchin-gangs; you still have favours owed. Your skills and alliances and your knowledge of the Flit-ways is enough to get the stone up, though your zailors are green with terror by the end of it. “I want to go back to zee, captain!” one moans.

    The urchin Slivvy has arranged cradles for the rocks. “We are going to drop them on people Storm doesn't like,” he tells you. “Squash them f-f-flat. It's alright if a g-g-god tells you to do it.” Is he joking? It's difficult to tell, with Slivvy. He leans forward and whispers the directions to the Backmost Stairs, the secret Flit-route that you've never travelled.

    Deliver Sphinxstone to your successor in your old parish church

    Why? You can't face the man. But you must, if you wish to fulfil Penstock's commission.

    Crimes past

    That night, you wait behind the vestry with a rented wagon full of stones. You've sent your zailors back to the ship.

    Your successor is prompt. He seems disinclined to look you in the eye. “We have instructions," he says quietly. “We require an altar, and we must use one of these - objects." He does look up, then. “Why? Who are you working for now? Does the Bazaar rule the Church? I don't understand. But they told me to give you this, and these."

    ‘These’ are your old vestments... and a Bible. POST-FINAL REVISED EXCEPTIONAL EDITION. All holy books have been amended since London fell, modified by St Cyriac's College and the Ministry of Public Decency. This one contains certain special amendments.

    Honey at the crossroads

    “Wait here,” the instructions said. “Wear a crimson feather in your hat.”

    The Veiled Lady

    A black carriage - stripped of livery - slows beside you. When the door opens, a veiled woman in midnight-blue gestures curtly. “In,” she demands.

    You wait on a deep-cushioned seat. A furrow-browed old gentleman with a mild and sheeply gaze samples the honey. He nods approvingly. The upholstery smells like flowers and rust.

    “Go,” the veiled woman says. She tosses you a lacquered serpent-bracelet. It's freezing to the touch. Its mouth is stuffed with jewels.

    Rare event (50%)
    An encounter with the Mercies

    A clatter of hooves; hoarse voices raised in song. A phaeton pulls up beside you, slewing dangerously. Two bandaged figures sit hunched at the front. “Honey!” one croaks. “Quickly!”

    You pass up the barrel, and they heft it as if it were empty. “I'm a terrible person,” she tells you dolefully. “But so are you. And it tastes so sweet. Here's your money.”

    And they're off! with a cackle, a blown kiss, and a waft of cigar-smoke.

    Deliver Clay Men

    This is where they wanted to be, or at least, where they're supposed to be.


    One by one, they rise, uncomplainingly, with no trace of stiffness or discomfort from the long voyage. The deck resounds beneath their heavy tread. A shroomyard manager waits on dock, tapping her foot. “About time,” she says. “Here's your payment. Come along, now, you. There's a good construct.”

    You gain +20 x Echo for each. Comes in a batch of 6.
    Deliver a Blemmigan

    A greatcoat-clad figure waits in the shadow of a crane. “You have blemmigans?” it enquires hopefully. Its voice is high, fluting. A scarf conceals its face.

    Welcome, blemmigan

    Your blemmigan leaps from the rail of the ship to shelter in the stranger's greatcoat, and the stranger nods unsteadily. “We'll see to it,” the fluting voice assures you. It places a box atop a quayside bollard - clumsily, its hand muffled in its sleeve. Then it's gone, leaving only an odour of marsh-mud lingering in the air. What's in the box?

    Deliver Blemmigans

    A greatcoat-clad figure waits in the shadow of a crane. “You have blemmigans?” it enquires hopefully. Its voice is high, fluting. A scarf conceals its face.

    Welcome, blemmigans!

    Your blemmigans swirl across the dock like clawed and violet fog. Up into the greatcoat, like squirrels into a shrub! “Thank you all,” the figure flutes. “We have something for you - and we wanted you to have this, our work. Though it's unsigned, of course.” It retreats into the dockside mist, leaving behind a dank odour; a packing-crate; and some love poetry...

    You gain 1 x Romantic Literature for every 2 Docile Blemmigans you turn in. Note that this will remove all blemmigans in your inventory, so turning in an odd number will waste one.
    Deliver Supplies for the Work

    A Burning-Eyed Student waits at the abandoned lime-kilns by Watchmaker's Hill.

    “O wonderful - ”

    She hisses with delight as she examines what you've brought. “Yes. Yes, this brings the Day much closer. Here. We won't insult you with payment, but we've brought supplies to defray your costs. And these souls. They are our gratitude: they were donated, freely. Do what you will with them.”

    Drinks with the Cheery Man

    You have an open invitation to the Medusa's Head.

    Decide whether to complete the Avuncular Broker's mission

    The Hands-On Diplomat is anxious to take up her new post. “And no doubt you're anxious to be paid.”

    Release the Scrimshaw Chronicler from your service

    He's considering staying in London. “I could open a shop,” he says, “by the docks. There's bone here, too. There's always bone.”

    A modest reputation

    He goes ashore with his fish-skin knapsack, his shark-skin boots, the little wash-leather bag that the bo'sun gave him to carry his tools. He sets up shop in a shack behind the Blind Helmsman. Over the months, curiosity brings visitors to see the bone-carving savage from the rotting shell-city. His skill is significant; his reputation, more so. He learns to trade on it. When last you see his name, it's on a Mahogany Hall hand-bill, as the Bone-Chronicler who tells fortunes on stage.

    Available events[]

    SS Interactions Your Lodgings Your Lodgings[]

    Here you may catch up with your correspondence, rest, or retire altogether from sea-faring life. The better your Lodgings, the better the quality of your retirement. Naturally.

    SS Interactions A little gift Blind Bruiser[]

    This interaction becomes available if you have the following:

    Afterwards he will appear when he has tasks or rewards for you or when you have Sunlight-Filled Mirrorcatch Box for him.

    SS rosesmall The Rose-Market[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS claderyheirgaz Consider a specialist surgeon[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS Interactions The Alarming Scholar The Alarming Scholar[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS admiralgaz The Dark-Spectacled Admiral[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS Interactions The Voracious Diplomat The Voracious Diplomat[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS Interactions The Merchant Venturer The Merchant Venturer[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    Afterwards he will appear on SS merchantventurersmall The Venturer's Desires page.

    SS Interactions A Visit to Clathermont's Tattoo Parlour A Visit to Clathermont's Tattoo Parlour[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS sneakygaz Put a Prisoner ashore[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS Interactions A New Arrival A New Arrival[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS The Labyrinth of Tigers The Labyrinth of Tigers[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS Lineage Captains Lost Lineage: Captains Lost ≥ 1

    SS sacksgaz A Visit from Mr Sacks[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS brassembassysanctumgaz The Brass Embassy[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS chap7gaz The Widower[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS ruins2gaz The Forgotten Quarter[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS skeletongaz Visit the Museum of Mistakes[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS monkeykinggaz The Monkey Emperor's Wrath[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS remainsgaz The First Clue[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS remainsgaz Your Father's Bones: the Next Step[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS remainsgaz Your Father's Bones: Safe Harbour[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS greeneyegaz A Passenger[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS paperstackgaz The Royal Bethlehem Hotel[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS tattoo chessgaz A Tingle in the Spine[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS skullsmall Ambition: Death Hath No More Dominion[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS voraciousdiplomatgaz Ambition: The Voracious Diplomat?[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS voraciousdiplomatgaz The Voracious Diplomat, Hounded[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    SS voraciousdiplomatgaz The Voracious Diplomat, in Hiding[]

    This interaction appears if you have the following:

    Triggered events[]

    These events trigger when you dock and certain conditions are met.

    SS harbourmastergaz Returning to London[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS ancientriflegaz The Revenue Men[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS specialconstablegaz An Inspection by the Ministry of Public Decency[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS Interactions A New Arrival "I want to go away to sea."[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS argumentgaz A Difficult Conversation[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS snowchildgaz The Lights of London[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS suppliesgaz Trinkets. Just Trinkets.[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS aigulgaz A Visit from the Imperious Sister's Brother[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS attackergaz A boarding action![]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS Interactions A Visit to the Bazaar A Visit to the Bazaar[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS mercilessmodistegaz A Knife in the Dark![]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS tigergaz Dreaming of tigers[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS remainsgaz Your Father's Bones: A Cold Trail[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS revellergaz Your Father's Return[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS monkeykinggaz A Traitor's Reward[]

    This event triggers if you have the following:

    SS London in Glory London in Glory[]

    This event triggers if you have all of the following:

    SS liberationofnightgaz Fear walks the streets of London[]

    This event triggers if you have all of the following:

    SS puppetgaz The Khanate Ascendant[]

    This event triggers if you have all of the following:

    SS dawnmachinegaz The New Sequence[]

    This event triggers if you have all of the following:


    Thirty years before the events of Sunless Sea, the great city of London was stolen beneath the surface of the waves. It was not the first one to end up in the Unterzee. It was the fifth to be taken, as part of a vast scheme stretched across millenia. The catastrophic event was the result of the actions of the Traitor Empress, who sold the city in exchange for the life of Albert, Prince Consort.


    Fallen London is not the only power in the Unterzee. There is also its archrival, the Khanate, and the Iron Republic, ruled by demons straight out of Hell. In fact, London is located perilously close to Hell, leading to continued interaction between the two.

    London shops
    Bultitude's House of VisionCaminus YardsCarrow's Naval SurplusMrs Plenty's Shipside ProvisionersWolfstack ExchangeThe Iron & Misery Company
    Arcade of SighsBultitude's House of VisionCaminus YardsCarrow's Naval SurplusDahut ExchangeDaily BreadDearly DepartedDockside MarketFire in the BellyFortune & FortuneHarbour ProvisionersHollow TempleHouse of HarmsHouse of HarvestsHouse of MilksHouse of PleasuresHull-harvestJonah's EndLicensed ExchangeLow ChurchMalebolge ExcavationsMrs Plenty's Shipside ProvisionersPeleghast's PostPortentumRed Stallion PublishingRequisitionsSapphire ExchangeStonemarketTemple of LaboursThe Arrant LimpetThe Charnel LoungeThe Fisher of DawnThe Hunter's CageThe Iron & Misery CompanyThresholdTraveller's FriendUncle Ankle's Lean PlaceWind-Come-CallingWolfstack Exchange
    Ports Abbey RockAdam's WayAestivalAigulAntheAvid HorizonChapel of LightsChelonateCodexCumaean Canal Staging AreaDahutDemeaux IslandEmpire of HandsFallen LondonThe Fathomking's HoldFrostfoundGaider's MournGant PoleGodfallGrand GeodeHideawayHunter's KeepIremIron RepublicIsle of CatsKhan's GloryKhan's HeartKhan's ShadowKingeater's CastleLow BarnetMangrove CollegeMount PalmerstonMutton IslandNookNuncioPigmote IslePolythremePort CarnelianPort CecilRosegateSalt LionsScrimshanderShepherd IslesStation IIIThe UndercrowThe UttershroomVarchasVenderbightVisageWhitherWisdomWrack
    Places of Interest An Abyss...The Admiralty Survey OfficeAvernusThe Brass EmbassyDawn MachineDrydockThe EyeThe Forgotten QuarterThe House of the QuestionLight-ShipNaplesQuaker's HavenRoser's WharfSurfaceThe UniversityViennaWolfstack DocksThe Wreck of the NocturneYour Lodgings
    Characters Blind BruiserMerchant VenturerThe Dark-Spectacled AdmiralThe FathomkingThe First Curator