Sunless Sea Wiki
Favours: A Proposal from a Man of Business
SS Favours A Proposal from a Man of Business
Category Circumstance
Type Favours
Linked to Blind Bruiser
Data ID 109672

Favours: A Proposal from a Man of Business is considered a Favours Circumstance in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

It is linked to the Blind Bruiser's interactions.

Circumstance description[]

"A shadowy figure has made you an offer."


You get this circumstance by talking to the Blind Bruiser in London. An interaction will appear if you have 8 or less Fuel, if you're docked.

If you choose to accept the gift, you will start to do business with him.

Quality status[]

Favours: A Proposal from a Man of Business has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You accepted the proposal
  • [2] You agreed to smuggle souls from London to Mt Palmerston
  • [3] You delivered souls to Mt Palmerston
  • [4] You were paid
  • [5] You've been asked to pick something up...
  • [6] You've been given a task...
  • [101] You refused the proposal

Interaction description[]

  • [1] You accepted the proposal
  • [2] You agreed to smuggle souls from London to Mt Palmerston
  • [3] You delivered souls to Mt Palmerston
  • [4] You were paid
  • [5] You've been asked to pick something up...
  • [6] You've been given a task...
  • [101] You refused the proposal

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past