Sunless Sea Wiki

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Category Cargo
Type Other Cargo
Data ID 113263

Flare is considered a Misc Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Quality description[]

"Flares may be used to reveal your enemies, increasing the speed of your firing solution."



Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Desperate Measures 'Fire a distress flare' Quality Required ≥ 1
Desperate Measures 'Fire a distress flare' DefaultEvent -1
Desperate Measures 'Fire a distress flare' RareDefaultEvent -1
Festival of Flourishing 'Fall in line with the others, secretly bringing a flare with you' Quality Required ≥ 1
Ritual's End 'Set off a flare, allowing you to see everyone' DefaultEvent -1
The Soaring Glory Of Etc. Etc. Etc. 'Destroy the Zeppelin' Quality Required ≥ 1
The Lost Treasure Hunter 'Trade a Live Specimen for a Flare' Quality Required ≤ 0
The Lost Treasure Hunter 'Trade a Live Specimen for a Flare' DefaultEvent +1
Legacy of the First Emperor 'Search for a way out' Quality Required ≥ 1
Legacy of the First Emperor 'Search for a way out' DefaultEvent -1
Shiftwork in the Dead Letter Office 'Descend into the basement with flame' Quality Required ≥ 1
Shiftwork in the Dead Letter Office 'Descend into the basement with flame' DefaultEvent -1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Desperate Measures Fire a distress flare
    SS flaresmall Flare ≥ 1

Default: Rare:

Festival of Flourishing Fall in line with the others, secretly bringing a flare with you
    SS flaresmall Flare ≥ 1


Ritual's End Set off a flare, allowing you to see everyone Default:

The Soaring Glory Of Etc. Etc. Etc. Destroy the Zeppelin
    SS flaresmall Flare ≥ 1

    SS veilssmall Veils Challenge 125


The Lost Treasure Hunter Trade a Live Specimen for a Flare Default:

Legacy of the First Emperor Search for a way out Default:

Shiftwork in the Dead Letter Office Descend into the basement with flame Default:

Shop availability[]

Shop Buy Price Sell Price Notes
SS mrsplentysmall Mrs Plenty's Shipside Provisioners -10 x SS echosmall Echo -

Passengers Tomb-ColonistA Shady SortChequered CharacterUnsettling Sage
Trade goods Bale of Parabola-LinenBolts of Spider-SilkCask of Mushroom WineClay Man, Marked for LondonColossal Fluke-CoreCrate of Human SoulsDevilbone DiceDocile BlemmiganFirkin of Prisoner's HoneyFoxfire CandlesFuelLive SpecimenMutersaltPrisonerRomantic LiteratureSack of Darkdrop Coffee BeansScintillackSoothe & Cooper Long-BoxSphinxstoneStrange CatchSuppliesTomb-ColonistUnstamped Crate of Bottled SoulsWatchful CurioZzoup