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Gant Pole: Lost In The Darkness
Category Quality
Type Gant Pole
Data ID 126775

Gant Pole: Lost In The Darkness is considered a Gant Pole Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

SS newgatecellarsmall The Corridors Of The Heart.

Qualities description[]

"Every step leads to your final destination."


This quality is used simply to provide text description to the event The Corridors Of The Heart.

Quality status[]

Gant Pole: Lost In The Darkness has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] The echo of silver writing glimmers in the darkness. "IT TORE OUT THE HEART. THE SHAME REMAINED."
  • [2] A scowling pirate cleans his teeth with a dagger. The Gant Pole's depths are a fine place to hide, for those who can find it.
  • [3] The tunnel twists into three directions. You lick your finger. The slight breeze guides your feet.
  • [4] A gust of fetid air rushes through the tunnel. The heart shudders for a moment.
  • [5] Down this tunnel, you pass one of the Old Zailors writing something on the wall. In the light, it is invisible. In the darkness, illegible.
  • [6] Slivers of calcified heart rain down from the cracked ventricle roof.
  • [7] This ventricle narrows to a tight gap. Fossilised fat deposits crack under your feet.
  • [8] The light of your candle flickers. In the darkness behind you, footsteps.
  • [9] A group of Old Zailors sits in a circle, tearing strips off a recently arrived whale with their rotten teeth.
  • [10] One of the Fading Haruspex's disciples scurries past, arms weighed down with supplies from deeper in the Gant Pole.
  • [11] A gentle hum guides your feet forwards. Your eyes feel heavy. Somewhere here is a place you can sleep. You have earned your rest. There is no need to awaken.
  • [12] You brush your hand against the rippled edges of the tunnel. Another ventricle. Was it flesh before it was stone?
  • [13] You pass an encampment of zailors. They stare at you, refusing to talk. You move onwards and deeper into the Heart.
  • [14] Water drips from a crack in the roof. You taste it. Stale and stagnant. Brine aftertaste. Still better than thirst.
  • [15] In the distance, someone whistles a zee-shanty. It might be you.
  • [16] The echo of silver writing glimmers in the darkness. "REJOICE, FOR THE END ALWAYS COMES."
  • [17] You pass a wall covered in chalk-malks. Whether they mark days, years, or something else, whoever made them has been here for a very long time.
  • [18] For a moment, you see a glow in the distance. It fades as soon as you look up.
  • [19] You pass a shack made of hide. The owner sleeps inside, gently breathing despite the polished bone of his skeleton visible through the decay and great chunks of devoured flesh. He cackles to himself about something in his dream, rolls over, and begins to snore.
  • [20] Every tunnel twists and turns. Is a little treasure really so much to ask for in such a grim place?

Interaction description[]

  • [0] You have left the Gant Pole's ventricles.
  • [1] You continue walking through the Gant Pole.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Gant Pole 'Explore further into the Gant Pole' Default / Challenge Fail = [d:20]
The Corridors Of The Heart 'Continue onwards and inward' Default / Challenge Fail = [d:20]
The Corridors Of The Heart 'Continue onwards and inward' Rare Event + [d:20]
The Corridors Of The Heart 'Continue onwards and inward' Success = 0

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Gant Pole Explore further into the Gant Pole Default:

The Corridors Of The Heart Continue onwards and inward Default: Rare: Success:

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past