Sunless Sea Wiki
Sunless Sea Wiki
Hesperidean Apple
Category Curiosity
Type Usable
Data ID 114979

Hesperidean Apple is considered a Misc Curiosity in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Your Father's Bones

Items description[]

"These do not grow on or under the world."


A Hesperidean Apple can be obtained by doing the Rarest fruit action in SS irem portgaz Irem at the SS parabolagaz The Mirror-Marches.


Hesperidean Apple can also be used to satisfy the SS goldenapplesmall Your Father's Bones: Fruit of the Eternal Tree for the Fathomking requirement in SS fathomkingshold portgaz The Fathomking's Hold, which is part of the SS remainssmall Your Father's Bones Ambition. This will also reward 1 x SS whispered secretsmall Secret and 1 x SS pensmall Pages.

Right-clicking on the Hesperidean Apple in your Hold will permit you to Consume the Apple for -25 x SS skullsmall Terror, -5 x SS hunger2small Hunger, +2 x SS jigsawsmall Fragment, and the removal of all SS bloodstainsmall Menaces: Wounds. This will consume the entire apple.

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Consume the Apple

The Masters of the Bazaar know how to ferment these into an elixir of immortality. A raw apple won't be quite as potent, but it will still perk you up no end.

That taste! the taste of apples. Crisp, juicy, but to be honest, a little bit too tart. Disappointing. You were expecting more. You take another bi-

When the gold is gone from your eyes and brain, you take stock. Your clothes will need repair. No one seems to have heard your wild laughter, or if else they were tactful enough to ignore it. Your heart is still pounding, but it will probably stop eventually. Your cabin is scrawled with poetry. Some of it's quite good, actually. Quite good, considering the circumstances. The apple still tastes like something out of any ordinary Surface orchard, but perhaps you should be more cautious next time.

Game note: This will cure all Wounds, and substantially reduce Terror.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Fathomking's Answer 'Give the Fathomking a Hesperidean Apple' Requirement ≥ 1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Give the Fathomking a Hesperidean Apple' Default / Challenge Fail = 0
The Mirror-Marches 'Rarest fruit' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A Hesperidean Apple 'Consume the Apple' Default / Challenge Fail -1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Fathomking's Answer Give the Fathomking a Hesperidean Apple Default:

The Mirror-Marches Rarest fruit Default:

A Hesperidean Apple Consume the Apple None Default:

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