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Hideaway: The Truth
Category Quality
Type Hideaway
Data ID 126174

Hideaway: The Truth is considered a Hideaway Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Qualities description[]

"The dwellers of Hideaway are well aware of the truth of their situation. Aren't they?"


Quality status[]

Hideaway: The Truth has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You refused to answer the Impolite Investigator's question
  • [3] You gave the Impolite Investigator all he needed for an answer
  • [5] The Impolite Investigator was distressed by your answer
  • [10] There is a search for truth being conducted in Hideaway
  • [20] The Impolite Investigator has discovered a distressing truth about Hideaway
  • [40] It is a fact: Temtum will outgrow Hideaway, destroying the city. The Impolite Investigator wants to tell the people
  • [50] The truth will be fought over during the Silent Reel
  • [60] The truth will be fought over during the Hour of Our Reflection
  • [70] The truth will be fought over during the Rainbowing
  • [80] Something has given way
  • [90] The truth is that all's well in Hideaway. No one knows otherwise
  • [150] The truth is that Hideaway is doomed. The people have fled the city
  • [250] The truth has been agreed upon: all's well in Hideaway

Interaction description[]

  • [1] You refused to answer the Impolite Investigator's question.
  • [3] You gave the Impolite Investigator all he needed for an answer.
  • [5] The Impolite Investigator was distressed by your answer.
  • [10] There is a search for truth being conducted in Hideaway.
  • [20] The Impolite Investigator has discovered a distressing truth about Hideaway.
  • [40] It is a fact: Temtum will outgrow Hideaway, destroying the city. The Impolite Investigator wants to tell the people.
  • [50] The truth will be fought over during the Silent Reel.
  • [60] The truth will be fought over during the Hour of Our Reflection.
  • [70] The truth will be fought over during the Rainbowing.
  • [80] Something has given way.
  • [90] The truth is that all's well in Hideaway. No one knows otherwise.
  • [150] The truth is that Hideaway is doomed. The people have fled the city.
  • [175] Temtum will be lonely.
  • [250] The truth has been agreed upon: all's well in Hideaway.
  • [275] At least Temtum will not be alone.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
Khan's Heart 'A panicked wave' Requirement ≤ 0
The Mangrove College 'An intent stare ' Requirement ≤ 0
Hideaway 'Drop off the Impolite Investigator' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Hideaway 'Aid the Sprightly Visionary' Requirement ≤ 40
Hideaway 'Speak to the Sprightly Visionary' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
Hideaway 'Check on the Investigator' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 30
Hideaway 'Begin the war for hearts and minds' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
Hideaway 'Begin the war for hearts and minds' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
Hideaway 'A battle for hearts and minds: the Silent Reel' Requirement ≥ 50 ≤ 50
Hideaway 'A battle for hearts and minds: the Hour of Our Reflection' Requirement ≥ 60 ≤ 60
Hideaway 'A battle for hearts and minds: the Rainbowing' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
Hideaway 'Fulfil a last request' Requirement ≥ 99 ≤ 99
Hideaway: Alone 'Leaving Hideaway' Requirement ≥ 150 ≤ 150
Hideaway: Alone 'Leaving Hideaway' Default / Challenge Fail = 175
Hideaway: Together 'Leaving Hideaway' Requirement ≥ 250 ≤ 250
Hideaway: Together 'Leaving Hideaway' Default / Challenge Fail = 275
Between You Two 'Accept. Murder the Investigator' Default / Challenge Fail = 99
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Refuse to reply' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Respond with a secretive smile ' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Eye him hungrily' Default / Challenge Fail = 5
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Threaten to keelhaul him' Default / Challenge Fail = 5
The Investigation 'Miserable realisations' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20
The Investigation 'Miserable realisations' Default / Challenge Fail = 40
The Investigation 'The waters between' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
The Investigation 'The waters between' Default / Challenge Fail = 20
The Investigation 'The waters between' Success = 20
The End of the War 'Join the Impolite Investigator ' Default / Challenge Fail = 150
The End of the War 'Join the Sprightly Visionary' Default / Challenge Fail = 250
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Provide the Investigator with an full orchestra' Requirement ≥ 50 ≤ 50
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Provide the Investigator with an full orchestra' Default / Challenge Fail = 60
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Silence the Investigator's intrusive band' Requirement ≥ 50 ≤ 50
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Silence the Investigator's intrusive band' Default / Challenge Fail = 60
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Join the Investigator and entreat the Suggester' Requirement ≥ 60 ≤ 60
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Join the Investigator and entreat the Suggester' Default / Challenge Fail = 70
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Join the Sprightly Visionary's guard' Requirement ≥ 60 ≤ 60
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Join the Sprightly Visionary's guard' Default / Challenge Fail = 70
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Break the Sprightly Visionary's illusion' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Break the Sprightly Visionary's illusion' Default / Challenge Fail = 80
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Guard the Sprightly Visionary's headquarters' Requirement ≥ 70 ≤ 70
The War for Hearts and Minds 'Guard the Sprightly Visionary's headquarters' Default / Challenge Fail = 80
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Refuse to reply' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Respond with a secretive smile ' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Eye him hungrily' Default / Challenge Fail = 5
The Impolite Investigator's Question 'Threaten to keelhaul him' Default / Challenge Fail = 5

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
Khan's Heart A panicked wave Default:

The Mangrove College An intent stare Default:

Hideaway Drop off the Impolite Investigator Default:
Aid the Sprightly Visionary Default:
Speak to the Sprightly Visionary
    SS enigmasmall Hideaway: The Sprightly Visionary's Ambition = 40 [You saved Arik's central control board ]

    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 40 [It is a fact: Temtum will outgrow Hideaway, destroying the city. The Impolite Investigator wants to tell the people]

Check on the Investigator
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth ≥ 10 ≤ 30

Begin the war for hearts and minds
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 40 [It is a fact: Temtum will outgrow Hideaway, destroying the city. The Impolite Investigator wants to tell the people]

    SS fuelsmall Fuel ≥ 7

A battle for hearts and minds: the Silent Reel
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 50 [The truth will be fought over during the Silent Reel]

A battle for hearts and minds: the Hour of Our Reflection
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 60 [The truth will be fought over during the Hour of Our Reflection]

A battle for hearts and minds: the Rainbowing
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 70 [The truth will be fought over during the Rainbowing]

Fulfil a last request Default:

Hideaway: Alone Leaving Hideaway
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 150 [The truth is that Hideaway is doomed. The people have fled the city]


Hideaway: Together Leaving Hideaway
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 250 [The truth has been agreed upon: all's well in Hideaway]


Between You Two Accept. Murder the Investigator None Default:

The Impolite Investigator's Question Refuse to reply None Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 1 [You refused to answer the Impolite Investigator's question]

Refuse to reply None Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 1 [You refused to answer the Impolite Investigator's question]

Respond with a secretive smile None Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 3 [You gave the Impolite Investigator all he needed for an answer]

Respond with a secretive smile None Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 3 [You gave the Impolite Investigator all he needed for an answer]

Eye him hungrily Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 5 [The Impolite Investigator was distressed by your answer]

Eye him hungrily Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 5 [The Impolite Investigator was distressed by your answer]

Threaten to keelhaul him None Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 5 [The Impolite Investigator was distressed by your answer]

Threaten to keelhaul him None Default:
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 5 [The Impolite Investigator was distressed by your answer]

The Investigation The waters between
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 10 [There is a search for truth being conducted in Hideaway]

    SS crewsmall Crew ≥ 6

    SS ironsmall Iron (125 for 100%)

    SS skullsmall Terror ≤ 70

    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 20 [The Impolite Investigator has discovered a distressing truth about Hideaway]

    SS crewsmall -5 x Crew

    SS whispered secretsmall +1 x Secret

    SS skullsmall +3 x Terror

    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 20 [The Impolite Investigator has discovered a distressing truth about Hideaway]

    SS whispered secretsmall +1 x Secret

    SS skullsmall +3 x Terror

    SS crewsmall -3 x Crew

Miserable realisations Default:

The End of the War Join the Impolite Investigator Default:
Join the Sprightly Visionary Default:

The War for Hearts and Minds Provide the Investigator with an full orchestra
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 50 [The truth will be fought over during the Silent Reel]

    SS suppliessmall Supplies ≥ 5

Silence the Investigator's intrusive band
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 50 [The truth will be fought over during the Silent Reel]

    SS fuelsmall Fuel ≥ 5

Join the Investigator and entreat the Suggester
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 60 [The truth will be fought over during the Hour of Our Reflection]

    SS island2small Memory of Distant Shores ≥ 5

Join the Sprightly Visionary's guard
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 60 [The truth will be fought over during the Hour of Our Reflection]

    SS scaryeyesmall Tale of Terror!! ≥ 5

Break the Sprightly Visionary's illusion Default:
Guard the Sprightly Visionary's headquarters
    SS gleamsmall Hideaway: The Truth = 70 [The truth will be fought over during the Rainbowing]

    SS toothsmall Hunting-Trophy ≥ 5


Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
    Hideaway: The Truth ≤ 99

Story Event (Always :100%) Hideaway
Hideaway: Alone
    Hideaway: The Truth ≥ 150 ≤ 175

Story Event (Always :100%) Hideaway
Hideaway: Together
    Hideaway: The Truth ≥ 250 ≤ 275

Story Event (Always :100%) Hideaway
The Impolite Investigator's Question

    Hideaway: The Truth ≤ 0

Story Event (Always :100%) Anywhere
The End of the War
    Hideaway: The Truth = 80 [Something has given way]

Story Event (Always :100%) Hideaway
A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past