Sunless Sea Wiki
Learning About: The Irrepressible Cannoneer
SS irrepressiblecannonneersmall
Category Quality
Type Learning About
Linked to SS Officers Gunnery Officer L Irrepressible Cannoneer Irrepressible Cannoneer
Data ID 112663

Learning About: The Irrepressible Cannoneer is considered a Learning About Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

It is linked to the SS Officers Gunnery Officer L Irrepressible Cannoneer Irrepressible Cannoneer, an Officer.

Story description[]

"They have a calmer side, although not much calmer."


This quality is initially gained by talking to the SS Officers Gunnery Officer L Irrepressible Cannoneer Irrepressible Cannoneer and choosing the Invite them to dine with you action, for +1 x Learning About: The Irrepressible Cannoneer.

Quality status[]

Learning About: The Irrepressible Cannoneer has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [10] Travel to Demeaux Island
  • [50] Travel to Aestival, in the East
  • [100] Take the Seal, and a Judgements' Egg, to the Iron Republic
  • [150] Take the Seal to the heartmetal smith at Station III
  • [200] The Cannoneer has completed their masterwork
  • [500] The Cannoneer is locked in the Rose Garden

Interaction description[]

  • [10] Travel to Demeaux Island
  • [50] Travel to Aestival, in the East
  • [100] Take the Seal, and a Judgements' Egg, to the Iron Republic
  • [150] Take the Seal to the heartmetal smith at Station III
  • [200] The Cannoneer has completed their masterwork
  • [500] You have sacrificed the Cannoneer to Zaira
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