Sunless Sea Wiki
Type Monster
Stats Health: 600
Health (Savage): 750
Location The Fathomking's Hold, The Chelonate, Empire of Hands, Aestival


Similar in design to a sea urchin but the size of a ship.


The Lorn-Fluke comes in 2 forms: Savage and Regular. Savage Lorn-Flukes have 750 Health compared to their 600 Health uncles.


The Lorn-Fluke has 2 attacks. The first is a Ram, which will do substantial damage, and the second is a ranged attack (shown as a halo of Correspondence sigils which spins and collapses into the Fluke before it spits) which does a fairly minimal 2 Hull damage. If SS Hull Hull integrity is below 50%, the sonic attack also adds 10 SS Terror Terror, the ram also inflicts SS Crew Crew damage.

  • Ram: Range: 160, Base Damage 30, Stagger 3, Crew Damage 1:
  • Lorn Fluke Talk: Range 250, Arc 50 (Attack 360), Base Damage 2, +10 Terror

Occasionally it will dive and resurface ~10 seconds later. As with all SS fluke topgaz Zee-Creatures, a SS Strange Catch Strange Catch can be used to force it to resurface. It will also periodically retreat before coming back toward the ship.


Claiming the loot from a defeated Lorn-Fluke yields SS Colossal Fluke-Core 1 x Colossal Fluke-Core, and requires passing a SS Pages Pages challenge for an additional SS Secret 3 x Secret.

The Lorn-Fluke is destroyed[]

Its pulpy flesh shivers with the energies of its failing language. Already it is disintegrating into the waters.

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Examine its corpse

Dangerous. But what an opportunity!

    SS Pages Pages challenge (84 for 100%)
Failed event
A Fluke-Core

The deliquescing body is full of incomprehensible organs that collapse at your touch. You understand nothing, and very quickly, there is little left of it. But at its centre, you find a vast lump of resin or congealed gall, the size of a barrel, flawed with darkness. In the false-star-light, it is a deep violet-purple. "Irrigo," your doctor whispers. "The colour of forgetfulness."

Successful event
The deliquescing body is full of incomprehensible organs that collapse at your touch. You sketch what you can: cock an ear to the departing harmonies of its violent language. At its centre, you find a vast lump of resin or congealed gall, the size of a barrel, flawed with darkness. In the false-star-light, it is a deep violet-purple. "Irrigo," your doctor whispers. "The colour of forgetfulness."

Raw Game Data[]

Unlike other creatures that also share similar names, both the Savage and Regular Lorn-Flukes share nearly the same game data.

  • "BehaviourName": "aggressive",
  • "DormantBehaviour": "Wandering",
  • "AwareBehaviour": "HuntingPlus",
  • "BeastieCharacteristicsName" : "GenericSwimmer",
  • "MovementSpeed" : 11,
  • "RotationSpeed" : 1,
  • "CombatAttackNames": ["Ram05", "LornFlukeTalk"],