Sunless Sea Wiki
Sunless Sea Wiki
Low Barnet
Low Barnet (Map)
SS Locations Low Barnet Map
Low Barnet (Gazetteer)
SS Locations Low Barnet
Located in Southern Archipelago
Ports Low Barnet
Shops Low Church
Shipyard No

Low Barnet is an underzee port accessible for captains with a SS submarinesmall Zubmarine from the SS submarineblacksmall Zubmariner DLC.

Port Description[]

A sunken church with docking ports. Sediment has built up against the lower walls, and long ago choked neglected crypts and crooked tombstones. The interior is sealed; yet the deep peals of the tower's bell can be felt even through a zubmarine hull.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Trade Stories with the congregation

Your appearance and bearing attract attention. They are eager for new tales.

Exchange 1 x Port Report from most underwater cities for:
Witness a contest of stories

The congregation is gathered before the altar. A sermon? But there seem to be two preachers.

Sets SS declaim2 Low Barnet: Story Contests = 1
Participate in another contest of stories

At the altar, they are recruiting storytellers. And your life is fascinating.

Trade stories to the gentleman in the rear pew

His suit is of thin Presbyterate fabric. He observes the story-contests closely, occasionally copying an excerpt into a tatty notebook.

Game note: Trade your Storyteller quality for different rewards.
Access the Bell Tower

The vergers step aside. One salutes.

Explore the church

What goes on here? What brings its congregation together?

Submarine services

There is no pulpit. The organ has bent, broken pipes. But Low Barnet is still a house of worship, of a sort. Groups of zailors gather in the aisles. The choir benches are clean, and face a makeshift stage. Lantern-eyed fish pass behind colourful windows of stained glass.

The door to the bell tower is guarded by two burly vergers. The tridents are a nice touch.

Deliver a Wandering Parson

He presses close to a porthole as you dock. "Low Barnet," he murmurs. "The gate to the deeps".

Call to Worship

"You'll hear tales here from distant trenches of the Unterzee, and some of them might even be true. But the strangest ones are jealously guarded." Light from the dock glints in his eye. "Hidden mysteries and pliant listeners." He glances at you, then gathers his luggage. "Won't you join me below for a while? An explorer could learn much of value here."

Discuss the bell tower with the Wandering Parson

He is lingering nearby.

The structure of belief

The Parson is recruiting another local to his manufactured faith. Coins change hands: shriving fee, salt tax, initiation surcharge and, finally, an entirely voluntary donation to the orphans' fund. The business of religion complete, the Parson turns to you. "You've been into the bell tower? What did you find?"

Your explanation thrills him. "The construction of a new relic! A trick, of course, but a well-executed one. Perhaps I've seen enough here. Although I wouldn't mind a closer look at that bell..."

Game note: You have a choice: take the Parson to his next destination, or attempt to get him into the bell tower.
Transport a Wandering Parson to his next destination

He has recruited several new disciples, and is rather better off than when he arrived. But where does he need to go next?

A change of scenery

He looks back at the bell tower door and sighs. "Your description was vivid, of course. But I would have liked to see for myself. Mystery is the very essence of a successful belief system. Still. Onwards. I hear that the Shepherd Isles is another place for storytelling. If you're going that way?"

Continue the SS chap8gaz Low Barnet: Wandering Parson's story at the SS generic portgaz Shepherd Isles or SS Locations Abbey Rock Abbey Rock
Rare event (50%)
A change of scenery

He looks back at the bell tower door and sighs. "Your description was vivid, of course. But I would have liked to see for myself. Mystery is the very essence of a successful belief system. Still. Onwards. I hear that the Sisters of Abbey Rock practice a very disciplined faith. If you're going that way?"

Find the Fierce Philanthropist's husband

Your source said he could be found here.

And who is that, in the shadows of the apse? Progress immortality Ambition to the next stage.
Drop off a blemmigan

Why wouldn't an underwater church want an unpredictable fungal carnivore among its congregation?

A Controlled Environment

The purple mushroom descends from the zub. It shuffles into the nave, scratching at the dirt around the pews. It pauses near the pulpit then - with a decisive wriggle - makes for a dark corner behind the altar.

A trident whistles through the air and skewers its soft head. A verger strides over, retrieves her weapon and hacks at the wounded blemmigan until the pieces are mush. She gives you a baleful look before returning to her post.

Port Events[]

These events are triggered through port interactions

SS declaim2 A Contest of Stories[]

Event Description[]

A competition is in progress. A Voluble Visitor tells of the Sideways Regiment: a plunderous legion of trained crabs. “First, they present a mighty collective shell. Then comes the onslaught of a thousand nippers! Why, I only escaped thanks to a timely cloud of ink from my squid, which I befriended for precisely such an occasion.” The unlikely story wins the acclaim of the congregation. Whilst her rival slumps, disappointed, the Visitor waves her top hat, and processes to the bell tower. Its doors close behind her.


Available once, when SS declaim2 Low Barnet: Story Contests = 0. Completion will set SS declaim2 Low Barnet: Story Contests = 1.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
SS crabclawsmallAsk about the competition

What kind of contest is won by nonsensical lies about crabs?

A regular listener

You approach an apprehensive seaman who is staring into the distance, perhaps imagining marching ranks of crustaceans. You ask what happened here.

“The competition? The best story wins. Cap'n says it's all in the delivery, but you need a fine yarn to spin, too.”

When you enquire about the winner's reward, his gaze turns wistful. “If they're lucky, they get taken up. Wish I had a story to tell.”

SS churchsmallFollow her into the bell tower

What's in there? Wild riches? Or just a good buffet?

Not on the list

Two surly vergers block your approach to the door. One points back at the congregation. “Only winners allowed,” he grunts. “Next one's soon.”

SS submarineblacksmall Go about your business

The congregation is breaking up, for now.


A few souls linger, gazing at the closed doors of the bell tower. You have just turned away when you hear the sonorous BONG of the bell within. Its peals repeat every few seconds, before becoming abruptly muffled, then finally silent. An excited murmur runs through the congregation.

Although you keep an eye on the bell tower door, the winner does not emerge.

SS declaim2 Another Contest of Stories[]

View the Another Contest of Stories page.

Event Description[]

The pews are full, but there's room for another contestant. Could you win the audience with tales of your adventures?

Game note: Increase your Storyteller quality to improve your chances of victory.


Available when the player has accumulated at least 4 x SS declaimsmall Low Barnet: Storyteller and has SS declaim2 Low Barnet: Story Contests = 1 (That is, A Contest of Stories has been completed, but Another Contest of Stories has not).

SS declaim Trade Stories with the Congregation[]

View the Trade Stories with the Congregation page.

Event Description[]

At Low Barnet, everyday animosities are set aside in the pursuit of a fine tale. Khaganian traders mingle with Royal Navy deserters, rum-addled pirates and Rubbery Men. There is an air of anticipation, and a tolerance for embellishment.


Available when the player has accumulated less than 7 x SS declaimsmall Low Barnet: Storyteller.

SS gent4gaz A Collector of Stories[]

View the A Collector of Stories page.

Event Description[]

His hair is impeccably-oiled. His teeth are white and flawless. His smile is searing, and he blasts you with it as you approach. “Hello! I've enjoyed your tales - you've a gift for turning the truth into lies.”

In fact, I think perhaps you can help me. I have a professional need for exclusive stories; ones that have never been told before and won't be told again. If you'd be prepared to provide some, I will compensate you with unusual payments.

Game note: Spend your Storyteller quality on different rewards.


Available when the player has accumulated 7 x SS declaimsmall Low Barnet: Storyteller.

SS blackgaz The Bell Tower[]

View the The Bell Tower page.

Event Description[]

A shadowy space extends above your head. You can glimpse the rim of the bell, a dim circle of bronze. Ropes trail from its mouth. They're wet.


Available after successful completion of SS declaim2 Another Contest of Stories (setting SS declaim2 Low Barnet: Story Contests ≥ 2).
