Sunless Sea Wiki
Low Barnet: Lucrative Beliefs
SS chap8small
Category Quality
Type Plot - Low Barnet
Linked to SS lowbarnetsmall Low Barnet, SS visage portsmall Visage, SS muttonisland portsmall Mutton Island, SS generic portgaz Shepherd Isles, SS abbeyrock portsmall Abbey Rock
Data ID 127207

Low Barnet: Lucrative Beliefs is a plot Quality linked to SS lowbarnetsmall Low Barnet. It tracks the progression of the story of the SS chap8gaz Low Barnet: Wandering Parson.

Quality description[]

"You are assisting an Avaricious Theologist."


Low Barnet: Lucrative Beliefs is first set when you agree to take the SS chap8gaz Low Barnet: Wandering Parson aboard at SS muttonisland portsmall Mutton Island or SS visage portsmall Visage.

Quality status[]

Low Barnet: Lucrative Beliefs varies as the story of the SS chap8gazLow Barnet: Wandering Parson progresses.

Journal description[]

  • [10] Taking a Wandering Parson to Low Barnet
  • [20] You have delivered a Wandering Parson to Low Barnet
  • [30] The Wandering Parson is ready to leave Low Barnet
  • [40] You delivered the Parson to Abbey Rock
  • [50] You delivered the Parson to the Shepherd Isles
  • [100] The Parson was devoured by the bell of Low Barnet
  • [35] Taking a Wandering Parson to Abbey Rock
  • [45] Taking a Wandering Parson to the Shepherd Isles
  • [25] The Parson would like to know more about Low Barnet's bell

Change Description[]

Visible only when its value changes as the result of an action

  • [25] The Parson would like to know more about Low Barnet's bell.
  • [20] You delivered a Wandering Parson to Low Barnet.
  • [10] You picked up a Wandering Parson.
  • [100] The Parson has been devoured by the bell of Low Barnet.
  • [30] The Parson is ready to leave Low Barnet.
  • [40] You have delivered the Parson to Abbey Rock.
  • [50] You have delivered the Parson to the Shepherd Isles
  • [35] The Parson wants to go to Abbey Rock.
  • [45] The Parson wants to go to the Shepherd Isles
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