Sunless Sea Wiki
Memento Mori
SS mementomorismall
Type Forward (Ship weapons)
Effects 19-25 Hull damage

27-37 Life damage
4 Crew damage
4s warm-up time
2s Stagger

Price Cannot be bought or sold at London shops.
Data ID 109003

Memento Mori is a Ship equipment item that equips to Forward. It can be obtained by following the Irrepressible Cannoneer's storyline; see Visit to the Smith's Emporium for the requirements.


"Omnia mors perimit et nulli miseretur" (Translated to: Death will destroy everything and takes no pity.)



Memento Mori can either be equipped to a forward ship slot or be sold to one of the four vying factions to increase Supremacy with that faction:

It can also be used to fulfill one of The Fathomking's requests in The Fathomking's Answer when looking for Your Father's Bones, the alternatives being The Serpentine and The Fulgent Impeller.



Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Dark-Spectacled Admiral 'Sell the Memento Mori to the Royal Navy' Requirement ≥ 1
The Dark-Spectacled Admiral 'Sell the Memento Mori to the Royal Navy' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Grand Geode 'Sell the Memento Mori to the servants of the Dawn Machine' Requirement ≥ 1
Grand Geode 'Sell the Memento Mori to the servants of the Dawn Machine' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Iron Republic 'Sell the Memento Mori to a purchaser in the Iron Republic' Requirement ≥ 1
Iron Republic 'Sell the Memento Mori to a purchaser in the Iron Republic' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Khan's Glory 'Sell the Memento Mori' Requirement ≥ 1
Khan's Glory 'Sell the Memento Mori' Default / Challenge Fail -1
Visit to the Smith's Emporium 'Ask the smith to construct an assembly-housing for the Cannoneer's weapon' Default / Challenge Fail +1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Present the Fathomking with your Memento Mori' Requirement ≥ 1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Present the Fathomking with your Memento Mori' Default / Challenge Fail -1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
The Dark-Spectacled Admiral Sell the Memento Mori to the Royal Navy
    SS mementomorismall Memento Mori ≥ 1


Grand Geode Sell the Memento Mori to the servants of the Dawn Machine
    SS mementomorismall Memento Mori ≥ 1


Iron Republic Sell the Memento Mori to a purchaser in the Iron Republic
    SS mementomorismall Memento Mori ≥ 1


Khan's Glory Sell the Memento Mori
    SS mementomorismall Memento Mori ≥ 1


Visit to the Smith's Emporium Ask the smith to construct an assembly-housing for the Cannoneer's weapon Default:

The Fathomking's Answer Present the Fathomking with your Memento Mori Default:

Ship Equipment
Forward Equipment
SS Ship Layout
Bridge equipment
Caminus Yards Heart-EnderCaminus Yards 'Bandersnatch'Cotterell & Hathersage Pneumatic Dynamite Torpedo-GunLeadbeater & Stainrod 'Britomart' Flensing-CannonLeadbeater & Stainrod Reconditioned Frigate-Surplus Deck-Gun Mark IILeadbeater & Stainrod 'Seaworm'Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Winnower'Stampshod's 'Calvary' Prong LauncherMemento MoriIcarus in Black Blazing Glim-LampJudgement ResonatorMontaigne ProjectorSoft Glim-LampSpeculative ConsonatorWhithern Optical
Deck Auxiliary Equipment
Caminus Yards HellthrasherCotterell & Hathersage 'Denunciation'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Reproach'Leadbeater & Stainrod Reconditioned Frigate-Surplus Deck-Gun Mark II Anatomical CabinetCaminus Yards Pneumatic RatsenderMonstrous AlmanacSerene AquariumShrine to StoneTorpedo NetsWE ARE CLAYWhispering Trophy-CaseThe Zong of the Zee
Engines Aft Equipment
Caminus Yards 'Compulsion'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Admiralty Special'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Manticore No.4'Elderly Steeple-EngineLeadbeater & Stainrod 'Boadicea'Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Illyrian'The Fulgent ImpellerThe Serpentine Caminus Yards Avid SuppressorConcealed CompartmentSecure CompartmentLeadbeater & Stainrod 'Scorpion'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Discouragement'Caminus Yards 'D__nation'Milebreaker
Ship statistics
Ship Consumables Crew
Engine temperatureEngine powerFuel efficiencyHold capacityHullQuarters ZailorsFuelSupplies TerrorHunger