Sunless Sea Wiki
Memoirs: A Knight Out of Habit
Category Qualitiy
Type Memoirs
Linked to SS Locations Pigmote Isle Pigmote Isle
Data ID 109948

Memoirs: A Knight Out of Habit is considered a Memoirs Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to

It is linked to the Cavies in SS Locations Pigmote Isle Pigmote Isle.

Quality description

"You have cast your lot in with the Cavies."


This quality is gained by siding with the guinea pig Lady Augusta Devereaux Swinch of the Blackwater Swinches, Seneschal to her King Gracegnaw, First of His Name. and annihilating the Rats.

You will be offered a choice to recruit the SS Mascots S Guinea Page Guinea Page, a Mascot.

Quality status

Memoirs: A Knight Out of Habit does not have a status description.

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past