Sunless Sea Wiki
Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings
SS apartmentsmall
Category Quality
Type Memoirs
Linked to SS Locations Your Lodgings Your Lodgings
Data ID 108290

Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings is considered a Memoirs Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

It is linked to SS Locations Your Lodgings Your Lodgings in SS fallenlondon portsmall Fallen London.

Quality description[]

Where do you hang your hat in London?


This quality is obtained automatically when you start the game. Because this is a persistent quality, it will be passed down to future captains when you die, even if you don't write a will.

You can upgrade SS Locations Your Lodgings Your Lodgings if you have the required prerequisites.

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Purchase an Elegant Townhouse

A good address on Hollow Street. It won't be cheap.

    SS echosmall 1000 x Echo

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 1 ( A Room above the Blind Helmsman )

Zailors' service

You have your crew cart your things from the Blind Helmsman to your new address. If anyone respectable calls, they'll pass as servants.

    SS echosmall -1000 x Echo

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 2 ( An Elegant Townhouse )

Purchase a Zeeside Mansion

Something up by the Prickfinger Wastes, but not too near the Carnival. Something with a view.

    SS echosmall 10000 x Echo

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 2 ( An Elegant Townhouse )

Grand estate

The mansion has fallen on sad times, but your crew get it ship-shape: painting walls, polishing floors, rousting out the occasional nest of eye-stealing sorrow-spiders.

    SS echosmall -10000 x Echo

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 3 ( A Zeeside Mansion )

This will allow you to pass on a greater number of Heirlooms: 16 instead of 12.


You can also sell SS Locations Your Lodgings Your Lodgings if you have the required prerequisites.

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Sell your Townhouse

Times are hard. Perhaps you should return to a simpler life.

A lesson in humility

Penstock's Land Agency processes the paperwork and remits you your payment. A room at the Blind Helmsman awaits. It smells like onions.

    SS echosmall +500 x Echo

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 1 ( A Room above the Blind Helmsman )

Game note: This will sell your Townhouse: after moving expenses and fees, you'll be 500 Echoes richer. You must also sell off any Heirlooms first.
Sell your Mansion

Do you really need a Mansion? You don't have so very many things, do you?

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 3 ( A Zeeside Mansion )

A simpler life

Penstock, the land agent, looks over the Mansion with a gloomy eye. “Roof's going,” he suggests. “But it's a good size, I suppose.”

    SS echosmall +7500 x Echo

    SS apartmentsmall Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings = 2 ( An Elegant Townhouse )

Game Note: This will sell your Mansion: after moving expenses and fees, you'll be 7500 Echoes richer. You must have no more than 12 Heirlooms - that's all you can fit in a Townhouse.

Quality status[]

Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] A Room above the Blind Helmsman
  • [2] An Elegant Townhouse
  • [3] A Zeeside Mansion

Interaction description[]

  • [1] You now lodge in a Room above the Blind Helmsman.
  • [2] You now lodge in an Elegant Townhouse.
  • [3] You now lodge in a Zeeside Mansion.

A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past