Sunless Sea Wiki
Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings
Type Circumstance
Linked to Your Lodgings

Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings is considered a Circumstance in Sunless Sea.

Linked to

It is linked to Your Lodgings in London.

Circumstance description

"Where do you hang your hat in London?"


This circumstance is obtained automatically when you start the game.

Circumstance status

The Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings has different status according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the story.

  • A Room Above the Blind Helmsman
  • An Elegant Townhouse
  • A Zeeside Mansion

You can upgrade Your Lodgings if you have the required prerequisites.

Memoirs: Quality of Lodgings Requirements Effects Notes
A Room Above the Blind Helmsman
  • None
Your starting Lodgings
An Elegant Townhouse Middle Lodgings upgrade
A Zeeside Mansion Final Lodgings upgrade
A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past