Sunless Sea Wiki
Sunless Sea Wiki
Monkey Foundling
Monkey Foundling
Position Mascot

SS heartssmall +5 x Hearts

Monkey Foundling is a potential Mascot, a type of Officer.

Character description[]

"Raised by the Empire of Hands, she longs to see the wonders of the Neath."


Monkey Foundling may be obtained through the A stowaway! Random Event by choosing to Let her stay.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
A Monkey Foundling 'Demand that she put those down, at once!' Requirement ≤ 0
A Monkey Foundling 'A desperate swim!' Requirement ≤ 0
A Monkey Foundling 'A mild, yet pointed threat' Requirement ≥ 1
A stowaway! 'Let her stay' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Legacy of the First Emperor 'The Monkey Foundling to the rescue!' Requirement ≤ 0
Legacy of the First Emperor 'The Monkey Foundling to the rescue!' Requirement ≥ 1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
A Monkey Foundling Demand that she put those down, at once! Default:
A desperate swim! Default:
A mild, yet pointed threat
    SS monkeyfoundlingsmall Monkey Foundling ≥ 1


A stowaway! Let her stay None Default:

Legacy of the First Emperor The Monkey Foundling to the rescue! Default:
The Monkey Foundling to the rescue! Default:

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
A stowaway! Random Event (Sometimes :10%) The Unterzee

Cooks Bandaged Chef-ParamountBandaged PoissonnierNacreous OutcastNacreous SurvivorScrimshaw ChroniclerShady Cook
Chief Engineers Gall-Eyed EngineerGenial MagicianPrudent MagicianThe Satisfied MagicianThe Urbane MagicianMaybe's DaughterMaybe's RivalNobody's DaughterTireless Mechanic
First Officers Carnelian ExileSigil-Eaten NavigatorSigil-Ridden NavigatorSly NavigatorThe Merciless ModisteYour Father
Gunnery Officers Irrepressible CannoneerLongshanks GunnerPresbyterate AdventuressWistful Deviless
Surgeons Brisk CampaignerCladery HeirDetermined DoctorDisillusioned DoctorHaunted DoctorIndomitable CampaignerPlausible SurgeonThe Lady in LilacThe Scarred Sister
Mascots Albino TinkererComatose FerretElegiac CockatooEyeless SkullGuinea PageKeeper-MothMonkey FoundlingParabolan KittenParabolan PantherVigilant IdolWretched Mog