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Mt Nomad's Heart
SS egggoldsmall
Category Curiosity
Type Plot - Father's Bones
Data ID 114967

Item description[ | ]

"In the depths of the mountain lay a great egg of smooth gold. Once every hour, it pulses with slow and deadly life."

Obtaining[ | ]

Mt Nomad's Heart can be obtained by killing and looting Mt Nomad.

Usage[ | ]

Mt Nomad's Heart can be sold for 1 x SS enigmasmall Searing Enigma at Uncle Ankle's Lean Place in SS chelonate portgaz The Chelonate.

Mt Nomad's Heart can also be used to satisfy the SS heartwitheredsmall Your Father's Bones: a Legend's Heart for the Fathomking requirement in the burying your father's bones Ambition. You get 1 x SS ironsmall Iron, 1 x SS whispered secretsmall Secret but also 1 x SS cloudssmall The Gods of the Zee: Storm's Curse

Interactions[ | ]

Interactions in Brief[ | ]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
A shattered cliff 'A desperate excursion' Default / Challenge Fail +1
A shattered cliff 'A desperate excursion' Success +1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Present Mt Nomad's Heart' Requirement ≥ 1
The Fathomking's Answer 'Present Mt Nomad's Heart' Default / Challenge Fail = 0

Interactions in Detail[ | ]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
A shattered cliff A desperate excursion Default: Success:

The Fathomking's Answer Present Mt Nomad's Heart Default:

Shop availability[ | ]

Shop Item Buy Price Sell Price
SS harpoonsmall Uncle Ankle's Lean Place - Chelonate
    SS egggoldsmall Mt Nomad's Heart