Sunless Sea Wiki

Recruit officers on your travels - some are familiar faces from SS fallenlondon portgaz Fallen London, some are new. Officers provide bonuses to your stats - SS ironsmall Iron, SS veilssmall Veils, SS mirrorssmall Mirrors, SS heartssmall Hearts and SS pensmall Pages, and they are the most accessible method of training those stats while the limits permit it. They're also a source of stories and interactions of variable interest and profit.

You can view your available officers and mascots anytime by viewing the Officers tab in your gazetteer. If you change officers while at sea, you will gain one unit of SS skullsmall Terror.


The most common way to obtain Officers is to recruit him/her in SS fallenlondon portgaz Fallen London by doing the A new recruit! action. You can only recruit Officers if you have SS aboardsmall Another Day: A New Recruit?, a quality gained by arriving in SS fallenlondon portgaz Fallen London with SS gamekeeper cottagesmall Something Awaits You.

Mascots and other Officers can only be obtained via interactions. See the list below for more details in how to obtain them.

List of officers[]


Portrait Name Effects Skill Training Limit Notes
SS bandagedpoissoniergaz
Bandaged Poissonnier SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 This officer can be recruited (for 300 E) by doing The Vengeance of Jonah at Venderbight.
SS bandagedpoissoniergaz
Bandaged Chef-Paramount SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Promoted from Bandaged Poissonnier by completing his story.
SS nacreousoutcastgaz
Nacreous Outcast SS heartssmall Hearts up to 150 This officer can can be recruited by doing An Extra Move in the story The Pulse of the Principles.
SS nacreousoutcastgaz
Nacreous Survivor SS heartssmall Hearts up to 150 Promoted from Nacreous Outcast by choosing Lose the match at the conclusion of The Pulse of the Principles, or ransomed back from the Fathomking at great expense after winning.
SS disguise2gaz
Shady Cook SS heartssmall Hearts up to 50 Received with the Veteran of the Campaign of '68 background.
SS passerbygaz
Scrimshaw Chronicler No Training Obtained during the Memoirs: Glory's Bones quest and selecting the Tell him the truth option to complete the quest.

Chief Engineers[]

Portrait Name Effects Skill Training Limit Notes
SS gallblightergallsgaz
Gall-Eyed Engineer SS veilssmall Veils up to 50 Received with the An ordained priest background.
SS genialmagiciangaz
Genial Magician SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 3 or 4.
SS genialmagiciangaz
Prudent Magician SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Genial Magician becomes this after his story is completed semi-successfully.
SS genialmagiciangaz
The Satisfied Magician SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Genial Magician becomes this after his story is completed successfully.
SS genialmagiciangaz
The Urbane Magician SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Genial Magician becomes this after his story is completed unsuccessfully. Great stats but unable to build The Serpentine.
SS maybesdaughtergaz
Maybe's Daughter SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 6 or 7.

Recruit this Officer in Mangrove College during a story.

SS maybesdaughtergaz
Maybe's Rival SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Maybe's Daughter becomes this if she successfully returns from Pentstock's Wicket in A Visit to the Bazaar.
SS maybesdaughtergaz
Nobody's Daughter SS veilssmall Veils up to 100 Maybe's Daughter becomes this if she is discouraged from going through Pentstock's Wicket in A Visit to the Bazaar.
SS sleeplessmechanicgaz
Tireless Mechanic SS veilssmall Veils up to 150 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 4 or 5.

Recruit this officer in Frostfound for 20 echos with Engage an Officer: the Tireless Mechanic

First Officers[]

Portrait Name Effects Skill Training Limit Notes
SS pianistgaz
Carnelian Exile SS mirrorssmall Mirrors up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 5 or 6, or at the Grand Geode.
SS mercilessmodistegaz The Merciless Modiste SS veilssmall Veils up to 124* Recruit this Officer in SS Locations Mount Palmerston Mount Palmerston for 5x SS parabolalinensmall Bale of Parabola-Linen. (Added in Sept 2015.) *The process is risky.
SS sigilriddennavigatorgaz
Sigil-Ridden Navigator SS mirrorssmall Mirrors up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 9 or 10, or at Shepherd Isles for 50 echo.
SS sigilriddennavigatorgaz
Sigil-Eaten Navigator SS mirrorssmall Mirrors up to 100 The Sigil-Ridden Navigator becomes this if his story is completed at Kingeater's Castle
SS fence2gaz
Sly Navigator SS mirrorssmall Mirrors up to 50 Received by starting the game with the Poet background.
SS revellergaz
Your Father No Training Your Father can be rescued as one way to obtain his bones, and thus win the game.

Gunnery Officers[]

Portrait Name Effects Skill Training Limit Notes
SS irrepressiblecannonneergaz
Irrepressible Cannoneer SS ironsmall Iron up to 100* Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 8 or 9, or in the Iron Republic.

*20% chance to lightly damages the ship and give two points of Iron for one Secret.

SS costermonger2gaz
Longshanks Gunner SS ironsmall Iron up to 50 Received by starting the game with the A street urchin! background.
SS presbyterateadventuressgaz
Presbyterate Adventuress SS ironsmall Iron up to 100* Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 7 or 8, or in port near Adam's Way.

*22% chance to also gives you a wound and 50 fragments for one Secret.

SS deviless wistfulgaz
Wistful Deviless No Training From the Wistful Deviless storylet on Mount Palmerston.


Portrait Name Effects Skill Training Limit Notes
SS campaigner2gaz
Brisk Campaigner SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 1 or 2.
SS campaigner2gaz
Indomitable Campaigner SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Complete the Brisk Campaigner's storyline.
SS claderyheirgaz
Cladery Heir SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with A New Recruit? value of 1 or higher. Previously was only available to players who backed Sunless Sea at the Navigator Tier or higher.
SS haunteddoctorgaz
Haunted Doctor SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Recruit this Officer in London with a A New Recruit? value of 2 or 3, or at Saviour's Rocks for free.
SS haunteddoctorgaz
Determined Doctor SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Promote this Officer from the Haunted Doctor.
SS haunteddoctorgaz
Disillusioned Doctor SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Promote this Officer from the Determined Doctor.
SS girlpurplegaz
The Lady in Lilac SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Random event when Terror is greater than 75. Disappears when Terror goes below 26.
SS burlyman2gaz
Plausible Surgeon SS pensmallPages up to 50 Received by starting the game with the A natural philosopher background.

NOTE: The Plausible Surgeon is the only officer that allows you to upgrade SS pensmallPages. Keep that in mind before completing his storylet, and losing him permanently.

SS tombcolonistgaz
The Scarred Sister SS heartssmall Hearts up to 100 Received by doing the Hunter's Keep storylet.


Portrait Name Effects Speakable Notes
SS ratalbino
Albino Tinkerer No This mascot can be recruited by taking the side of the Rats in Pigmote Isle.
SS ferretgaz
Comatose Ferret Yes This is your starting mascot.
SS elegaiccockatoogaz
Elegiac Cockatoo No This mascot can be recruited by exploring the swamps in Mangrove College.
SS skulleyeless
Eyeless Skull No This mascot can be recruited by several ways, including exploring the Shattered Citadel in Godfall.
SS guineapiggaz
Guinea Page No This mascot can be recruited by taking the side of the Cavies in Pigmote Isle.
SS keepermothgaz
Keeper-Moth No Possible reward mascot from the The First Curator storyline in Venderbight.
SS monkeyfoundlinggaz
Monkey Foundling TBD This mascot will volunteer herself if you forebear with her in the Empire of Hands.
SS pantherkitten
Parabolan Kitten TBD This is a starting mascot unlocked through Fallen London, where it may be obtained from the Kickstarter-exclusive Parabolan Panther or received as a gift from a panther-owner.
SS parabolanpanthergaz
Parabolan Panther No This is a Kickstarter backer-only starting mascot that unlocks the corresponding panther companion in Fallen London. With the right card it could generate giftable Parabolan Kittens.
SS idolface
Vigilant Idol No The Vigilant Idol can be recruited by completing the Principles' quest in Port Cecil and choosing to win the final chess game.
SS wretchedmoggaz
Wretched Mog No This mascot can be recruited by spending 3 x Supplies at Mutton Island by choosing the "Pick up a Wretched Mog" interaction.
Blemmigan Gallivanter Yes Blemmigan Gallivanter can be adopted in London, for free.