Sunless Sea Wiki
Romance: a Child in London
SS urchingirlsmall
Category Quality
Type Romance
Linked to SS fallenlondon portsmall Fallen London

SS rosegaz Trouble, and romance
Data ID 109777

Romance: a Child in London is considered a Romance Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

It is linked to your romances in the SS rosegaz Trouble, and romance event in SS fallenlondon portsmall Fallen London

Quality description[]

"Born, sired, or adopted, they're yours."


Romance: a Child in London can be obtained by choosing any action in the An Unexpected Letter random event.

Quality status[]

Romance: a Child in London has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You have a child
  • [10] Your child calls you Father
  • [11] Your child calls you Mother
  • [12] Your child calls you Captain
  • [20] Your child has gone to zee

Interaction description[]

  • [1] You have a child
  • [10] You are a father
  • [11] You are a mother
  • [12] You are something significant in this child's life. They call you 'Captain'
  • [20] Your child has gone to zee!
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