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Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar
Category Quality
Type Rosegate
Data ID 125676

Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar is considered a Rosegate Quality in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Qualities description[]

"Everyone has a dream."


Quality status[]

Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] You are delivering the Dogged Apprentice and his rumbling crate to Rosegate
  • [10] You are assisting in the realisation of an underwater cigar
  • [15] The cigar is nearly complete
  • [20] You dashed the hopes of the Crotchety Tobacconist ever creating his underwater cigar
  • [25] You are delivering the Crotchety Tobacconist to the Iron Republic
  • [30] The Crotchety Tobacconist will wallow within the Iron Republic
  • [40] You aided the Crotchety Tobacconist in creating the underwater cigar
  • [45] You are delivering the Crotchety Tobacconist to the Iron Republic
  • [50] The Crotchety Tobacconist will mass produce his underwater cigar in the Iron Republic

Interaction description[]

  • [1] You have agreed to take the Dogged Apprentice to Rosegate.
  • [10] The Crotchety Tobacconist would like you to aid in the creation of his underwater cigar.
  • [15] The cigar is nearly complete.
  • [20] You dashed the hopes of the Crotchety Tobacconist ever creating his underwater cigar.
  • [25] You have agreed to deliver the Crotchety Tobacconist to the Iron Republic.
  • [30] The Crotchety Tobacconist will wallow within the Iron Republic.
  • [40] You aided the Crotchety Tobacconist in creating the underwater cigar.
  • [45] You have agreed to deliver the Crotchety Tobacconist to the Iron Republic.
  • [50] You have dropped off the Crotchety Tobacconist, to begin mass production of his underwater cigars.


Interactions in Brief[]

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Interaction Action Result Type Change
The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight 'A weak call for help' Requirement ≤ 0
Iron Republic 'Parting with the Crotchety Tobacconist' Requirement ≥ 45 ≤ 45
Iron Republic 'Parting with the Crotchety Tobacconist' Default / Challenge Fail = 50
Iron Republic 'Parting with the Crotchety Tobacconist' Requirement ≥ 25 ≤ 25
Iron Republic 'Parting with the Crotchety Tobacconist' Default / Challenge Fail = 30
Stranded in the Tomb Colonies 'You'll help him get to Rosegate, but that's it' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Stranded in the Tomb Colonies 'You'll not only take him to Rosegate, you'll feed him too' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Port Stanton 'A weak call for help' Requirement ≤ 0
Final Preparations '"Come up!"' Default / Challenge Fail = 15
Rosegate 'Witness a reunion' Requirement ≥ 1 ≤ 1
Rosegate 'Witness a reunion' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Rosegate '"Go away! We're closed!"' Requirement ≤ 0
Rosegate 'The creation of a cigar' Requirement ≥ 10 ≤ 10
Rosegate 'Witness a reunion' Requirement ≥ 3 ≤ 3
Rosegate 'Witness a reunion' Default / Challenge Fail = 10
Stranded in the Empire of Hands 'You'll help him get to Rosegate, but that's it' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Stranded in the Empire of Hands 'You'll not only take him to Rosegate, you'll feed him too' Default / Challenge Fail = 3
Testing the Cigar 'The time has come' Default / Challenge Fail = 40
Testing the Cigar 'It is time' Default / Challenge Fail = 40
Rosegate: After the Cigar 'A last request' Requirement ≥ 40 ≤ 40
Rosegate: After the Cigar 'A last request' Default / Challenge Fail = 45
Rosegate: After the Cigar 'A last request' Requirement ≥ 20 ≤ 20
Rosegate: After the Cigar 'A last request' Default / Challenge Fail = 25
Rosegate: After the Cigar 'Smoke a cigar with the Powdered Custodian' Requirement ≥ 25
The Cigar that Could have Been 'Water damaged' Default / Challenge Fail = 20

Interactions in Detail[]

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Story Action Required Effect
The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight A weak call for help Default:
Stranded in the Tomb Colonies You'll help him get to Rosegate, but that's it None Default:
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 1 [You are delivering the Dogged Apprentice and his rumbling crate to Rosegate]

You'll not only take him to Rosegate, you'll feed him too Default:
    SS suppliessmall -1 x Supplies

    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 3

Stranded in the Empire of Hands You'll help him get to Rosegate, but that's it None Default:
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 1 [You are delivering the Dogged Apprentice and his rumbling crate to Rosegate]

You'll not only take him to Rosegate, you'll feed him too Default:
    SS suppliessmall -1 x Supplies

    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 3

Iron Republic Parting with the Crotchety Tobacconist
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 45 [You are delivering the Crotchety Tobacconist to the Iron Republic]

    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 50 [The Crotchety Tobacconist will mass produce his underwater cigar in the Iron Republic]

    SS ironrepublicsmall +1 x Supremacy: The Anarchists

Parting with the Crotchety Tobacconist
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 25 [You are delivering the Crotchety Tobacconist to the Iron Republic]

    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 30 [The Crotchety Tobacconist will wallow within the Iron Republic]

Port Stanton A weak call for help Default:

Final Preparations "Come up!" None Default:

Rosegate Witness a reunion
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 1 [You are delivering the Dogged Apprentice and his rumbling crate to Rosegate]

"Go away! We're closed!"
The creation of a cigar Default:
Witness a reunion
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 3


Testing the Cigar The time has come Default:
It is time Default:

Rosegate: After the Cigar A last request
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 40 [You aided the Crotchety Tobacconist in creating the underwater cigar]

A last request
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 20 [You dashed the hopes of the Crotchety Tobacconist ever creating his underwater cigar]

Smoke a cigar with the Powdered Custodian
    SS cigarsmall Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar ≥ 25

    SS echosmall Echo ≥ 12


The Cigar that Could have Been Water damaged Default:

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location

    Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar ≤ 10

Random Event (Always :50%) Rosegate
Testing the Cigar

    Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 15 [The cigar is nearly complete]

Story Event (Always :100%) Rosegate
The Wrapper

    Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 15 [The cigar is nearly complete]

Story Event (Always :100%) Rosegate
Rosegate: After the Cigar
    Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar ≥ 20

Story Event (Always :100%) Rosegate
The Cigar that Could have Been

    Rosegate: The Fate of a Cigar = 15 [The cigar is nearly complete]

Story Event (Always :100%) Rosegate
A Cache of CuriositiesA Knight Out of HabitA New FaceA Proposal from a Man of BusinessAddressed AsAmbitionAn Admiralty CommissionAn Infernal FateAnother Day: Where The Wood WasEverything is Probably Perfectly All RightPhoebe's FateQuality of LodgingsSalt's CurseSojourning with the SistersSomeone Back HomeSomething Awaits YouVenturer's DesireYour Own Sweet SkinYour Past