Sunless Sea Wiki
Sunless Sea Wiki
Shady Cook
Shady Cook
Position Cook

SS Hearts +1 x Hearts

Data ID 107460

Shady Cook is a potential Cook crew member.


He is not all that talkative. "Whatcheront?" is the most common response, but before he can speak more a coughing fit takes him. Eventually, he straightens up and wipes his mouth, slowly, with his forearm.

Game note: He is not the most hygienic of officers, but he'll do until you find someone better.

Character description[]

"He can render the supplies edible, if not palatable."


The Shady Cook is obtained automatically if you have chosen Your Past as Veteran of the Campaign of '68.


Interaction Unlocked by Effects Notes
Increase your Hearts



"Sorgalotagubbins. Gamasonssey!"

Game note: Spend a Secret to improve your Hearts, but no higher than 50.
Ask him what he wants from life?

Why did the Shady Cook choose to go to zee?


He looks you directly in the eyes. "Seolly." He repeats it, more slowly. "Sea of Lilies." He licks his lips, very slowly. Eventually you have to look away.

Game note: The Sea of Lilies is somewhere in the east-central Unterzee.

External Interactions[]

Location Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Wisdom Let the Shady Cook go ashore

    SS Shady Cook 1 x Shady Cook

A warm welcome
Cooks Bandaged Chef-ParamountBandaged PoissonnierNacreous OutcastNacreous SurvivorScrimshaw ChroniclerShady Cook
Chief Engineers Gall-Eyed EngineerGenial MagicianPrudent MagicianThe Satisfied MagicianThe Urbane MagicianMaybe's DaughterMaybe's RivalNobody's DaughterTireless Mechanic
First Officers Carnelian ExileSigil-Eaten NavigatorSigil-Ridden NavigatorSly NavigatorThe Merciless ModisteYour Father
Gunnery Officers Irrepressible CannoneerLongshanks GunnerPresbyterate AdventuressWistful Deviless
Surgeons Brisk CampaignerCladery HeirDetermined DoctorDisillusioned DoctorHaunted DoctorIndomitable CampaignerPlausible SurgeonThe Lady in LilacThe Scarred Sister
Mascots Albino TinkererComatose FerretElegiac CockatooEyeless SkullGuinea PageKeeper-MothMonkey FoundlingParabolan KittenParabolan PantherVigilant IdolWretched Mog