Sunless Sea Wiki

Equipment is everything that's mounted on a ship that you can take off and replace with something more dangerous.

Types of equipment[]

Your ship can have different kinds of equipment for all purposes:

  • Weapons: to defend yourself against Monsters of the Unterzee - and the humans of the Unterzee too, for that matter. All forms of Deck and Forward equipment are weapons, and there are also some Aft mounted weapons.
  • Illumination: more powerful lamps light up the dark corners of the Neath and reveal what others would hide. This equipment gives bonuses to your Mirrors stat, helping your gunners take aim more quickly. However, powerful lights will also lower your Veils stat, helping enemies see you from further away. This equipment is mounted on the Bridge.
  • Engines: sailing the vast zee needs a proper engine. The larger and heavier your ship, the more Engine Power it needs to move at a decent clip - but the mightiest engines burn through Fuel much more quickly.
  • Miscellaneous: anything else goes into this category; from stat boosts to torpedo nets to hidden compartments for smuggling. This includes all Auxiliary equipment, and some Aft equipment.

Equipment Slots[]

You can't just strap an engine to your deck and expect to get anywhere. Each piece of equipment is designed to fit one specific place on your ship, and nowhere else. There's only room for once piece or equipment in each slot. All ships can have an Engine, a Deck gun, a Bridge lamp, and a piece of Auxiliary equipment. Only larger ships can mount Aft equipment and a Forward weapon.

When not fitted to a slot, most equipment is considered Cargo and takes up space in the Hold.


You can't find a shiny new engine just floating in the zee! Almost all equipment must be bought in the shops of London. A few specialized pieces can only be found abroad, and certain Officers may have dreams of creating one-of-a kind marvels...

List of Forward Equipment[]

Portrait Item name Hull Dmg Hull icon Life Dmg Life icon Crew Dmg Crew icon Warm-Up Warmup icon Stagger Stagger icon Notes
SS launcher basicsmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Seaworm'
  • +24
  • +24
  • 1
  • 4s
  • 4s
SS flenser basicsmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Britomart' Flensing-Cannon
  • +14
  • +22
  • 2
  • 4s
  • 0s
SS launcher bluesmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Winnower'
  • +28
  • +28
  • 2
  • 4s
  • 6s
SS gun bluesmall
Cotterell & Hathersage 'Majesty'
  • +22
  • +22
  • 2
  • 4s
  • 2s

The Majesty is the only front-mounted pure cannon: others are torpedoes or flensing weapons.

SS flenser bluesmall
Stampshod's 'Calvary' Prong Launcher
  • +16
  • +24
  • 2
  • 4s
  • 0s
SS launcher greensmall
Cotterell & Hathersage Pneumatic Dynamite Torpedo-Gun
  • +24
  • +24
  • 1
  • 4s
  • 4s
SS launcher purplesmall
Caminus Yards 'Bandersnatch'
  • +34
  • +34
  • 4
  • 4s
  • 8s
SS flenser purplesmall
Caminus Yards Heart-Ender
  • +20
  • +28
  • 3
  • 4s
  • 2s
SS mementomorismall
Memento Mori
  • +24
  • +32
  • 4
  • 4s
  • 2s
SS meteors purplesmall
Icarus in Black
  • +50
  • +500
  • -
  • 5s
  • 6s
fires Doomed Monster-Hunter

List of Deck Equipment[]

Portrait Item name Hull Dmg Hull icon Life Dmg Life icon Crew Dmg Crew icon Warm-Up Warmup icon Stagger Stagger icon Notes
SS gun basicsmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod Reconditioned Frigate-Surplus Deck-Gun Mark II
  • +8
  • +8
  • 1
  • 4s
  • 0s
SS gun bluesmall
Cotterell & Hathersage 'Reproach'
  • +12
  • +12
  • 1
  • 4s
  • 0s
SS gun greensmall
Cotterell & Hathersage 'Denunciation'
  • +15
  • +15
  • 1
  • 4s
  • 0s
SS gun purplesmall
Caminus Yards Hellthrasher
  • +18
  • +18
  • 2
  • 4s
  • 0s

List of Bridge Equipment[]

Portrait Item name Effects Notes
SS lamp glasssmall
Whithern Optical
SS lamp greensmall
Soft Glim-Lamp

An adequate device for seeking enemies.

SS lamp basicsmall
Blazing Glim-Lamp

An effective device for seeking enemies.

SS Ship Equipment Montaigne Projector frame
Montaigne Projector
SS lamp blacksmall
Speculative Consonator

The Consonator does not limit your ability to hide.

SS lamp resonatorsmall
Judgement Resonator

The Judgement Resonator does not limit your ability to hide.

SS sealsmall
Awakened Seal of the Red Science

List of Auxiliary Equipment[]

Portrait Item name Effect Notes
SS netsmall
Torpedo Nets
  • Protects against torpedoes in combat.
SS devicesmall
Caminus Yards Pneumatic Ratsender
SS clayman7small

Game note: This trio of Clay stokers will reduce crew requirements, but also crew capacity, and will slightly increase engine power. They are fitted to an Auxiliary slot. When they are not in use, they will stand, patiently, hands by their sides, flat grey eyes unreadable. One will say, sometimes: "I LIKE IT WHEN IT IS QUIET."

SS skullbrasssmall
Anatomical Cabinet
SS librarysmall
Monstrous Almanac
SS fish goldsmall
Serene Aquarium
SS mountainglowsmall
Shrine to Stone
SS scaryeyesmall
Whispering Trophy-Case
SS flagsmall
A Banner of Coming Glory
SS booktearssmall
The Zong of the Zee

List of Engines Equipment[]

Portrait Item name Engine Power Notes
SS engine basicsmall
Elderly Steeple-Engine
  • +800
SS engine greensmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Illyrian'
  • +1000
SS engine purplesmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Boadicea'
  • +1500
SS engine bluesmall
Cotterell & Hathersage 'Manticore No.4'
  • +2000
SS engine bluesmall
Cotterell & Hathersage 'Admiralty Special'
  • +2500
SS engine compulsionsmall
Caminus Yards 'Compulsion'
  • +3500
SS engine serpentinesmall
The Serpentine
  • +1800
SS bazaarsunsmall
The Fulgent Impeller
  • +5000

List of Aft Equipment[]

Portrait Item name Effect Notes
SS aft basicsmall
Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Scorpion'
SS cannonsmall
Cotterell & Hathersage 'Discouragement'
SS aft purplesmall
Caminus Yards 'D nation'
SS mechanismsmall
Caminus Yards Avid Suppressor
SS keyhole2small
Concealed Compartment
SS keyhole1small
Secure Compartment
SS mechanism2small
Ship Equipment
Forward Equipment
SS Ship Layout
Bridge equipment
Caminus Yards Heart-EnderCaminus Yards 'Bandersnatch'Cotterell & Hathersage Pneumatic Dynamite Torpedo-GunLeadbeater & Stainrod 'Britomart' Flensing-CannonLeadbeater & Stainrod Reconditioned Frigate-Surplus Deck-Gun Mark IILeadbeater & Stainrod 'Seaworm'Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Winnower'Stampshod's 'Calvary' Prong LauncherMemento MoriIcarus in Black Blazing Glim-LampJudgement ResonatorMontaigne ProjectorSoft Glim-LampSpeculative ConsonatorWhithern Optical
Deck Auxiliary Equipment
Caminus Yards HellthrasherCotterell & Hathersage 'Denunciation'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Reproach'Leadbeater & Stainrod Reconditioned Frigate-Surplus Deck-Gun Mark II Anatomical CabinetCaminus Yards Pneumatic RatsenderMonstrous AlmanacSerene AquariumShrine to StoneTorpedo NetsWE ARE CLAYWhispering Trophy-CaseThe Zong of the Zee
Engines Aft Equipment
Caminus Yards 'Compulsion'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Admiralty Special'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Manticore No.4'Elderly Steeple-EngineLeadbeater & Stainrod 'Boadicea'Leadbeater & Stainrod 'Illyrian'The Fulgent ImpellerThe Serpentine Caminus Yards Avid SuppressorConcealed CompartmentSecure CompartmentLeadbeater & Stainrod 'Scorpion'Cotterell & Hathersage 'Discouragement'Caminus Yards 'D__nation'Milebreaker
Ship statistics
Ship Consumables Crew
Engine temperatureEngine powerFuel efficiencyHold capacityHullQuarters ZailorsFuelSupplies TerrorHunger