Sunless Sea Wiki
Snuffer Hunting
SS masktannedgaz
Category Story Event
Type Story
Linked to SS chap4small Objective: the Avuncular Broker's Little Problem
Data ID 181759

Snuffer Hunting is a Sunless Sea Story Event.

Story description[]

"The docks throng. The streets bustle. The Blue Bazaar heaves. Thousands upon thousands of faces. The snuffer could be hiding behind any one of them. How will you find it?"

Trigger conditions[]

Snuffer Hunting is triggered by doing the Find the Avuncular Broker's Snuffer action in SS Locations Port Carnelian Port Carnelian.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
The same way you entice any prey: with bait

You'll need candles. Lots of candles.

Failed event

You arrange a tempting, poorly guarded bulk sale of candles. What Snuffer could resist? This one, apparently. He doesn't bite. By evening you're down on the deal and you've wasted a day disguised as a flamboyant, but gullible, merchant from Khan's Shadow. You fling aside the least flattering of your scarves in disgust.

Successful event
A trap for the faithful

As far as you can tell, this trick was last performed seven hundred years ago, when a cabal of Orthodox priests confronted Snuffers preying on their Fourth City flock.

You create a false chapel and fill it with candles. They stand tall on stands, blaze in candelabras, float in copper bowls. Scented candles and coloured candles: red as meat, white as bone, green as emeralds, black as a funeral. A hot wax smell pours from the doors and down the street.

There are so many! the Snuffer must think. Who would miss one? He does not know you are hiding in the confessional. You emerge when you hear him gobbling between two pews. Melted wax encrusts his chin. A scrap of wick is caught between his teeth. You show him your pistol, tie his hands, and lock him in the brig of your ship. He was ambitious, this Snuffer. He had replaced an aide at the governor's mansion.

Mobilise your network

You have other eyes, and other hands.

Failed event
Devilish ingenuity

No sooner have you issued your coded instructions than one of your agents disappears. The Snuffer had infiltrated your own network!

Successful event
A good day's work

You issue coded instructions to your agents. Within the day, the snuffer is identified, isolated, subdued with the gift of a carefully poisoned hat steeped in paralytic jillyfish extracts, placed in a coffin, carried to your ship, and chained in the hold before the poison wears off. A diet of mutersalted candles keeps it quiet for the return journey.

It had been masquerading as an aide at the governor's mansion. Undoubtedly questions will be asked regarding his disappearance, but you'll be long gone by then.

Abandon the pursuit for now

Another time.


Port Carnelian story events
Carnelian ConspiraciesInfluence Affairs in Port CarnelianSnuffer Hunting
Story events
A New RecruitInvitation to a BeheadingAn Inspection by the Ministry of Public DecencyReturning to LondonThe First ClueThe House of the QuestionThe Revenue MenThe Rose and TigerThe Trouble with Tomb-ColonistsThe Vengeance of JonahThe Venturer's PassageThe Web of StoneThe Wisp-WaysYour Father's Bones: A Cold Trail (event)Your Father's Bones: the Next Step