Sunless Sea Wiki

Triggering event[]

Still unsure, but 5 longboxes later, I'm PRETTY sure this event won't trigger if you already have the painting in inventory. That or it's just the hatred of the RNG. TangledAxon (talk) 03:12, 5 August 2014 (UTC)

I think it's really the RNG. I've tried yesterday about 20 times and didn't have any luck. I will try again later and, hopefully, get the event! :) S3Ld0m (talk) 14:02, 5 August 2014 (UTC)

I got it on [30] On the horizon, a sickly yellow light glimmers for a moment, then fades. SporksAreGoodForYou (talk) 16:30, 12 February 2015 (UTC)

Hi SporksAreGoodForYou! Are you sure? The game code still says that the event is triggered with SAY between 11 and 15. S3Ld0m (talk) 16:41, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
Caught it when recording by accident (although didn't have the magician at the time), so pretty sure, because I'm trying to grind it on another save (with the magician), and I got [11] The air trembles. A breath of change passes... 4 times, and it didn't pop. Could there be other factors that affect it? At this point, I'm tempted to dip into the save file to zee if I can alter the number there, to test it. SporksAreGoodForYou (talk) 16:55, 12 February 2015 (UTC)

edit: just got [30] with the magician but no serpent-image event. Bah. No idea what's going on. I must have something in my inv preventing it? Would the dream snakes do that?

That's odd. No, I didn't find any other factors besides SAY. Could it be that your save file is from a different version? That could explain it. If you wish to check your save file, at this point I think it's probably there rather in the game code! S3Ld0m (talk) 17:15, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
I only bought the game last week, when it left early release, so I don't think it's that? SporksAreGoodForYou (talk) 17:16, 12 February 2015 (UTC)