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Sunless Sea Wiki
The Prudent Magician
The Prudent Magician
Position Chief Engineer

SS veilssmall +6 x Veils
SS mirrorssmall +4 x Mirrors

The Prudent Magician is a potential Chief Engineer crew member.


He's a good engineer, despite that missing hand. But zailors fall silent when he passes.

Character description[]

"He has turned aside from his revenge."


The The Prudent Magician can be obtained by following the Genial Magician storylet:

You will also need the following:


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Increase your Veils

A magician never reveals his secrets. He does, however, trade them.

Parting the veil

“On the Surface, darkness is the absence of light. In the Neath - from a particular perspective - the opposite is true...”

Game note: Spend a Secret to improve your Veils, if it is no higher than 100.
Dispel the darkness?

He's mentioned before that he was in the theatre. Could he arrange a... diversion... to improve morale? His eyes are opaque. “Yes,” he acknowledges. “But I will require some very particular materials. Don't ask why.”

An event on the afterdeck

The crew gathers before a backdrop of parabola-linen marked with stars and eyes. Their mood is jocular, sceptical, but anticipatory. They could use a show.

The Magician appears. His eyes are mirrors. (Lenses, no doubt!) He has four arms, like an Indian god. (Surrogates, like his hook, surely.) He exhales blue fire! (Alcohol vapour, probably.) He raises his arms, and the air is filled with golden petals. (Up his sleeve!) Vines leap from the deck, twine his legs, creep up past his waist. (Did he release narcotic vapours?) The air is filled with viric light, and the Neath-roof above trembles, seems to open to a sky with an orange sun. Long grasses rise around you. (Er...)

It's as if you wander in a meadow. Here and there your crew stand, chatting, laughing, eating fallen fruits. Rich juice runs down their chins. The sun is warm. Walls of jungle rise around you. Beneath your feet, the dark earth churns like the sea, and in the shadows of the undergrowth, serpents hiss like steam - but here, for a while, you are safe. Until you wake.

You wake. You are in your bunk: the ship is quiet around you, bar the throbbing of the engines that the Magician tends. The watch-bell rings, and you hear crew rouse from their hammocks. You can still smell hot earth, dark fruit.

A very expensive way to reduce a large chunk of Terror and some Hunger.

Although it requires Bale of Parabola-Linen ≥ 2 you will gain one Bale.

Proposition the Prudent Magician

"Yes. Yes, I would like that."

Game note: The Magician enjoys erudition. Ensure that your Pages is at least twenty points higher than your Iron.


The Magician is both accomplished and inventive, but you have the sense that he is not what he was. The time passes pleasantly enough, but he leaves rather abruptly, with a mumbled apology, while your appetite is not yet entirely dulled.

Game note: Opportunities for other trysts will occur while you're at sea, substantially reducing Terror. However, if you have a lover in port, they might find out.

The Pages requirement isn't actually listed by the game.
Exchange a secret smile

A romance with an Officer might be considered unseemly. You'll need to be discreet.


Game note: Opportunities for other trysts will occur while you're at sea - but not quite yet.

Answer his questions about your past

You've kept your secrets long enough.

Game note: Unmask yourself! This will allow you to select a Past, Ambition, and form of preferred address - also providing you with a specialist ability bonus.
“Do you have any use for this?”

Offer the Magician a Mirrorcatch Box Full of Very Angry Dream-Snakes.


“No use to me. They're not royalty.” Perhaps that's why he's in such a tearing hurry to leave the room. But perhaps you've properly disturbed his composure.

Cooks Bandaged Chef-ParamountBandaged PoissonnierNacreous OutcastNacreous SurvivorScrimshaw ChroniclerShady Cook
Chief Engineers Gall-Eyed EngineerGenial MagicianPrudent MagicianThe Satisfied MagicianThe Urbane MagicianMaybe's DaughterMaybe's RivalNobody's DaughterTireless Mechanic
First Officers Carnelian ExileSigil-Eaten NavigatorSigil-Ridden NavigatorSly NavigatorThe Merciless ModisteYour Father
Gunnery Officers Irrepressible CannoneerLongshanks GunnerPresbyterate AdventuressWistful Deviless
Surgeons Brisk CampaignerCladery HeirDetermined DoctorDisillusioned DoctorHaunted DoctorIndomitable CampaignerPlausible SurgeonThe Lady in LilacThe Scarred Sister
Mascots Albino TinkererComatose FerretElegiac CockatooEyeless SkullGuinea PageKeeper-MothMonkey FoundlingParabolan KittenParabolan PantherVigilant IdolWretched Mog
  1. Not a real game item, just an event or action that advances the Magician's storyline