Sunless Sea Wiki
The Scarred Sister
The Scarred Sister
Position Surgeon

SS heartssmall +5 x Hearts
+1 x A Doctor Aboard

Data ID 109616

The Scarred Sister is a potential Surgeon crew member.[1]


Phoebe is the youngest of the sisters who used to live in the grand house on SS Locations Hunter's Keep Hunter's Keep.

Character description[]

"She's usually in the sick-bay, or up on deck, listening to the wind, watching for the rare storms of the Unterzee."


Speak to the Scarred Sister[]

Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Increase your Hearts

Confide in her; she will confide in you.


She knows a remarkable amount for one so young. "I have a good memory. But I think sometimes," she tells you, "that it comes at a price. I've almost forgotten my own name. But I remember everything else. And my name isn't so very important, is it?

Game note: Spend a Secret to improve your Hearts, unless it's higher than 100.
Invite her to dine with you

...and talk about storms.

Morose and uncommunicative

She picks at her food. "I used to sit in my turret and listen to the wind," she tells you. "I wondered why we had wind down here, you know. There's an account, in a journal - " She bends her head and stabs at her plate. Perhaps she's thinking of her books, burnt with Hunter's Keep.

Rare event (20%)
A confidence

I wanted us to move to Hunter's Keep," she confesses, "because I had a romantic notion about storms. The funny thing is, the notion turned out right. You know that zailors talk about the God in the Roof? He's real. I used to hear him in my dreams." She leans closer. Behind the bandages, in the lamplight, her eyes are dark as ink. "He's terribly cross.

Invite her to dine with you...

...and ask her to talk about what happened at Hunter's Keep.

An abandoned meal

You broach the subject half-way through the cook's starter. Without a word, she pushes her plate away, stands, and leaves.

Other Interactions[]

Apart from giving the stat bonus and increasing your stats with secrets, you can also transport this officer to the required final destination. Doing so will exchange the officer for other items.

The Scarred Sister final destination is either SS Locations Abbey Rock Abbey Rock, SS Locations Naples Naples or SS Locations Station III Station III. Deliver her to SS Locations Naples Naples, which is the best choice, to also get SS bookredsmall A Dream of Red.

Locations Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Abbey Rock Suggest to the Scarred Sister that she might find a home here

They were neighbours of a kind to Hunter's Keep. Perhaps she'd find some kind of peace here, or at least a way to keep occupied

    SS tombcolonistgaz 1 x The Scarred Sister

A wary welcome

The Muscular Prioress, the Abbess' lieutenant, comes down to inspect the potential novice. They speak together quietly. The Prioress bellows with laughter, to the Scarred Sister's obvious discomfiture. At last they return.

"They've agreed to give me a chance," the Sister says, nervously. "If I can learn to fight. Thank you, for bringing me here. It might be what I want. Goodbye: and take this. I won't need it any more."

It's a porcelain flute decorated with a design of flowing grasses. Khanate work. The Sister, you think, is close to tears behind her bandages. She embraces you briefly, and the convent door closes behind her.

Naples Goodbye to the Scarred Sister?

She taps you timidly on the elbow. "You've been good to me. But here on the surface - I want to see my homeland. Will you pay my fare?

    SS tombcolonistgaz 1 x The Scarred Sister

    SS echosmall 100 x Echo

A walk to the station

You see her to the train. The bo'sun carries her bag. The street is busy with travellers, families, beggars: the dust of the road rises up to make you cough, all three of you. Phoebe has been very quiet, but now, suddenly, she starts to speak.

"We have family in Greece. Or had. Long ago. My grandmothers kept the Mystery and watched the Judgements, up in the mountains above Corinth. When the Bazaar came to Earth, they saw an opportunity, and so they came below - " She shakes her head. "It didn't end well for us."

"I wish I could have told you more, only there's so little left of me now. I must have my last few secrets, or I'll just blow away on the wind. But... I want you to have this."

'This' is a slim volume entitled 'A Dream of Red'. A romantic novella? She kisses your cheek, shakes your hand, and she's gone.

Once more event in Station III Propose that the Scarred Sister replace her

Perhaps Phoebe will find consolation in these duties of darkness.

    SS tombcolonistgaz 1 x The Scarred Sister

An arrangement

The Acolyte is grateful. Her departure will irritate her employers, and the prospect of a replacement will ease that irritation. You listen as she questions Phoebe. She finds, of course, that Phoebe has many of the necessary aptitudes: surgical skills, a good singing voice, an aptitude for the esoteric.

"Thank you," Phoebe tells you. "I don't know if I'll stay, but I think I'll stay long enough. Goodbye: and take this. I won't need it any more."

'This' is a porcelain flute decorated with a design of flowing grasses. Khanate work. Phoebe embraces you nervously, and is gone into the shadows of the grand warehouses.

Cooks Bandaged Chef-ParamountBandaged PoissonnierNacreous OutcastNacreous SurvivorScrimshaw ChroniclerShady Cook
Chief Engineers Gall-Eyed EngineerGenial MagicianPrudent MagicianThe Satisfied MagicianThe Urbane MagicianMaybe's DaughterMaybe's RivalNobody's DaughterTireless Mechanic
First Officers Carnelian ExileSigil-Eaten NavigatorSigil-Ridden NavigatorSly NavigatorThe Merciless ModisteYour Father
Gunnery Officers Irrepressible CannoneerLongshanks GunnerPresbyterate AdventuressWistful Deviless
Surgeons Brisk CampaignerCladery HeirDetermined DoctorDisillusioned DoctorHaunted DoctorIndomitable CampaignerPlausible SurgeonThe Lady in LilacThe Scarred Sister
Mascots Albino TinkererComatose FerretElegiac CockatooEyeless SkullGuinea PageKeeper-MothMonkey FoundlingParabolan KittenParabolan PantherVigilant IdolWretched Mog
  1. Note that you can (as of March 2016) pass her as a Shipmate Legacy even if you've already disposed of her (e.g. in Naples), although that's hardly the best choice there.