Sunless Sea Wiki
Where will you deliver the Lorn-Fluke?
SS lornestflukegaz
Category Story Event
Type Story
Data ID 255591

Where will you deliver the Lorn-Fluke? is a Sunless Sea Story Event.

Story description[]

There is only one fluke. They can't both have it.

Trigger conditions[]

Where will you deliver the Lorn-Fluke? is triggered when you do the Inspect the Lorn-Fluke with the Anxious University Student action in SS Hunter's Keep Hunter's Keep or SS hunterskeep darksmall Hunter's Keep in ruins.


Actions Requirements Effects Notes
Transport the Lorn-Fluke to Station III

"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity," the Student says.

Loaded with extreme caution

The lorn-fluke is tied - by very reluctant zailors - to drag behind your stern. On your deck, the Anxious Student twitches with delight. "I can't believe what we have. I'm just- " His hand tightens on the railing.

The Drownie Postman stares up at you both. It's natural for corpses to grimace; but when the corpse is still alive, and is actively upset at you, it is additionally distressing.

Transport the Lorn-Fluke to Nuncio

It is labelled already, after all.

Loaded with extreme caution

The lorn-fluke is tied - by very reluctant zailors - to drag behind your stern. On your deck, the Drownie Postman smiles, relieved. "I was worried you wouldn't understand. Take me to Nuncio at your leis -" He glances over the railing.

The Anxious Student stands on shore, shouting and swearing at you. Tears fall fast from his eyes. The Drownie shrugs and heads below deck.


Links In[]

SS hunterskeep portsmall Hunter's Keep, SS hunterskeep darksmall Hunter's Keep in ruins

Links Out[]

Returns to port.

Story events
A New RecruitInvitation to a BeheadingAn Inspection by the Ministry of Public DecencyReturning to LondonThe First ClueThe House of the QuestionThe Revenue MenThe Rose and TigerThe Trouble with Tomb-ColonistsThe Vengeance of JonahThe Venturer's PassageThe Web of StoneThe Wisp-WaysYour Father's Bones: A Cold Trail (event)Your Father's Bones: the Next Step