Sunless Sea Wiki
Wolfstack Exchange
Category Shop
Part of London
Located in Fallen London
Data value 13


Wolfstack Exchange is the main trade goods market in Fallen London.

Shop Description[]

London: "Cargoes, treasures, weapons, secrets. Mischief."

Wolfstack Exchange: "Trading in common goods will only earn slim profits. Seek other opportunities. "


Name Buy Sell Notes
SS scintillacksmall Scintillack SS echosmall +70 x Echo
SS dicesmall Devilbone Dice SS echosmall +20 x Echo
SS gloamfoamsmall Mutersalt SS echosmall +50 x Echo
SS soupsmall Zzoup SS echosmall +70 x Echo
SS cherriessmall Solacefruit SS echosmall +50 x Echo
SS sapphiresmall A Casket of Sapphires SS echosmall +90 x Echo
SS unterzeesmall Stygian Ivory SS echosmall +28 x Echo
SS feathersmall Royal-Blue Feather SS echosmall +1 x Echo
SS bookredsmall Approved Romantic Literature SS echosmall +22 x Echo
SS bottle2small Cask of Mushroom Wine SS echosmall -21 x Echo SS echosmall +20 x Echo
SS barrelsmall Firkin of Prisoner's Honey SS echosmall -25 x Echo SS echosmall +20 x Echo
SS coffeesmall Sack of Darkdrop Coffee Beans SS echosmall -50 x Echo SS echosmall +44 x Echo
SS bottledsoulwhitesmall Crate of Human Souls SS echosmall -63 x Echo SS echosmall +60 x Echo
SS spidersilksmall Bolts of Spider-Silk SS echosmall -100 x Echo SS echosmall +50 x Echo
SS parabolalinensmall Bale of Parabola-Linen SS echosmall -120 x Echo SS echosmall +60 x Echo
London shops
Bultitude's House of VisionCaminus YardsCarrow's Naval SurplusMrs Plenty's Shipside ProvisionersWolfstack ExchangeThe Iron & Misery Company
Arcade of SighsBultitude's House of VisionCaminus YardsCarrow's Naval SurplusDahut ExchangeDaily BreadDearly DepartedDockside MarketFire in the BellyFortune & FortuneHarbour ProvisionersHollow TempleHouse of HarmsHouse of HarvestsHouse of MilksHouse of PleasuresHull-harvestJonah's EndLicensed ExchangeLow ChurchMalebolge ExcavationsMrs Plenty's Shipside ProvisionersPeleghast's PostPortentumRed Stallion PublishingRequisitionsSapphire ExchangeStonemarketTemple of LaboursThe Arrant LimpetThe Charnel LoungeThe Fisher of DawnThe Hunter's CageThe Iron & Misery CompanyThresholdTraveller's FriendUncle Ankle's Lean PlaceWind-Come-CallingWolfstack Exchange