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Category Accomplishment
Type Misc
Data ID 126002

Zubmarine is considered a Misc Accomplishment in Sunless Sea.

Linked to[]

Accomplishments description[]

"Press 'T' to transform your ship into a zubmarine and back."


Quality status[]

Zubmarine has different statuses according to your actions, defined by the comment in front of the quality.

Journal description[]

  • [1] Your ship is capable of zubmarine travel.

Interaction description[]

  • [1] Your ship may now transform into a zubmarine! Press 'T' when at zee to transform.


Interactions in Brief[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Interaction Action Result Type Change
Toolkit 'Get self a zub' Default / Challenge Fail +1
Mount Palmerston 'Take note of a veiled woman' Requirement ≥ 1
The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight 'A weak call for help' Requirement ≥ 1
The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight 'Assist a specialised collector' Requirement ≥ 1
The Chelonate 'Agree to a proud request' Requirement ≥ 1
Khan's Heart 'A panicked wave' Requirement ≥ 1
Khan's Heart 'Drop off the August Travel-Writer' Requirement ≤ 0
Khan's Heart 'Where has the August Travel-Writer gone?' Requirement ≥ 1
Visage 'A Wandering Parson' Requirement ≥ 1
Quaker's Haven (RETIRED) 'A Wandering Parson' Requirement ≥ 1
The Mangrove College 'An intent stare ' Requirement ≥ 1
Khan's Shadow 'Approach the man staring at you' Requirement ≥ 1
The Isle of Codex 'Agree to a damp request' Requirement ≥ 1
Port Stanton 'A weak call for help' Requirement ≥ 1
Port Carnelian 'Assist a specialised collector' Requirement ≥ 1
Testing Zubmariner Islands 'Give any test quality' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
Quaker's Haven 'A Wandering Parson' Requirement ≥ 1
A Zubmariner Tutorial 'How to use your Zubmarine' Requirement ≥ 1
A Zubmariner Tutorial 'How to convert your new captain's ship into a Zubmarine' Requirement ≤ 0
The Hidden Workshop 'Complete Phase II' Default / Challenge Fail = 1
The Old Sapphire Processing Plant 'Have your ship converted for zubmarine travel' Requirement ≤ 0
The Old Sapphire Processing Plant 'Have your ship converted for zubmarine travel' Default / Challenge Fail = 1

Interactions in Detail[]

Click Expand on the right for more.

Story Action Required Effect
Toolkit Get self a zub None Default:
    SS submarinesmall +1 x Zubmarine

Mount Palmerston Take note of a veiled woman Default:

The Tomb-Colony of Venderbight A weak call for help Default:
Assist a specialised collector Default:

The Chelonate Agree to a proud request Default:

Khan's Heart A panicked wave Default:
Drop off the August Travel-Writer Default:
Where has the August Travel-Writer gone? Default:

Visage A Wandering Parson Default:

Quaker's Haven (RETIRED) A Wandering Parson Default:

The Mangrove College An intent stare Default:

Khan's Shadow Approach the man staring at you Default:

The Isle of Codex Agree to a damp request Default:

Port Stanton A weak call for help Default:

Port Carnelian Assist a specialised collector Default:

Testing Zubmariner Islands Give any test quality None Default:

Quaker's Haven A Wandering Parson Default:

A Zubmariner Tutorial How to use your Zubmarine
    SS submarinesmall Zubmarine ≥ 1

How to convert your new captain's ship into a Zubmarine

The Hidden Workshop Complete Phase II Default:

The Old Sapphire Processing Plant Have your ship converted for zubmarine travel
    SS submarinesmall Zubmarine ≤ 0

    SS submarinesmall Zubmarine = 1 [Your ship is capable of zubmarine travel.]

Triggered Events[]

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Story Requirements Type Location
Zubmariner: the Fierce Philanthropist

    Zubmarine ≤ 0

Story Event (Always :100%) Port Carnelian
The Hidden Workshop

    Zubmarine ≤ 0

Story Event (Always :100%) Port Carnelian
The Old Sapphire Processing Plant

    Zubmarine ≤ 0

Story Event (Always :100%) Port Carnelian
MarinerA Notable OccasionScionSurveyed: Abbey RockSurveyed: Adam's WaySurveyed: AestivalSurveyed: Avid HorizonSurveyed: Chapel of LightsSurveyed: CodexSurveyed: Demeaux IslandSurveyed: Empire of HandsSurveyed: FrostfoundSurveyed: Gaider's MournSurveyed: GodfallSurveyed: Grand GeodeSurveyed: Hunter's KeepSurveyed: IremSurveyed: Isle of CatsSurveyed: Khan's HeartSurveyed: Khan's ShadowSurveyed: Kingeater's CastleSurveyed: Mt PalmerstonSurveyed: NuncioSurveyed: Pigmote IsleSurveyed: PolythremeSurveyed: Port CarnelianSurveyed: Port CecilSurveyed: Quaker's HavenSurveyed: Saviour's RocksSurveyed: Shepherd IslesSurveyed: Station IIISurveyed: the ChelonateSurveyed: the Fathomking's HoldSurveyed: the Mangrove CollegeSurveyed: The Salt LionsSurveyed: the UttershroomSurveyed: VarchasSurveyed: VenderbightSurveyed: VisageSurveyed: WhitherSurveyed: WisdomThe Mark of the EastThe Western StigmaThe Scars of the NorthThe Touch of the South